- Corey McAlarney: Promote the Importance of Practice Between Lessons (September 19, 2022)
- Jess Frank: Use Video With Beginners as a Tool and Reminder (September 12, 2022)
- Jon Paupore: Use Technology Outside Lessons (September 2, 2022)
- Abe Hernandez: Use Supply and Demand to Your Advantage (August 29, 2022)
- TJ McMullan: Use Video Messaging to Give Yourself More Free Time (August 22, 2022)
- Jonathan Mielke: Create an Indoor Teaching Studio (August 15, 2022)
- Brian Hampson: Provide Equipment Analysis via Teaching (August 8, 2022)
- Leighann Albaugh: Follow a Professional Child Development Program to Introduce Kids Golf (August 1, 2022)
- Mike Woods: Replace a Large Event With Several Smaller Ones for a More Personalized Experience (July 25, 2022)
- Derek DiStefano: Offer Practice Facility Memberships (July 18, 2022)