Will Robins
Empire Ranch Golf Course
1620 E Natoma St
Empire Ranch Golf Course 1620 E Natoma St, Folsom, California 95630, US
Please indicate past awards won/recognitions:
PGA Section Teacher of the Year, GRAA Top 100 Growth of the Game Teaching Professional, Golf Digest Best in State, Other (Indicate specific awards below in 3-a)
Other awards won:
NCPGA Teacher of the Year (2022), NCPGA PGA Youth Player Development Award (2018), NCPGA PGA Player Development (2015), NCPGA PGA Youth Player Development Award (2014)
Total number of individual lessons given per year:
Male: 0
Female: 0
Junior: 0
Total number of individual clinics given per year:
Adult groups of 4 and we do 2-3 per week
Please indicate any Growth of the Game initiatives your facility/academy has launched over the past year (please give specifics on such programs):
Growing the Game within the Community Over the past 12 years Will and his team at WRGolf has created some amazing programs for his community in California and now shares them with his RGX coaches whom he mentors around the world to help implement successful coaching programs at their courses.
Over the past year, WRGolf continued to grow their programs at their facility. These programs include Junior Spring and Summer Camps, Junior Year-Round Program, Collegiate program, Ladies Clinics, On-Adult Course Group Coaching.
Will believes that it is vital for the PGA to really make an impact in growing the game of golf – we need to stop selling our time and start selling our results. He has been doing this for the past 2 years and now has a reputation of dropping 10 shots in 10 weeks. Will believes it’s vital to look at the whole game of golf, working on the golfing mindset, the real game of golf, and purposeful practice. He helps his students by getting them on the course 50% of the time. All of his programs are based on scoring, rather than fixes or complicating the game. It is vital to keep the game simple and fun so people are retained in the program. Will believes that lasting change comes from within. He creates coaching programs that don’t overload the student as more information is not the road to success with golf.
Will also believes that for a golfer to achieve their potential, they must let go of overthinking, trust in their abilities and allow their potential to be unlocked. In 2004, Will survived the Thailand Tsunami. As a result of his injuries from the tsunami, he had to stop playing golf professionally and give up his tour sponsorship. The catastrophic event caused Will to also revisit my “life purpose” and led him to a fulfilling career as a golf coach and an advocate for introducing others into the game. Will’s students relate to his journey. He tells them, “Everyone has a tsunami in their life, whether it be cancer, bankruptcy, divorce. It’s how you deal with it that best defines you.” Will has adult students tell him they have been through hardships of their own and they can relate to him.
Adults with physical limitations come to Will after hearing of how he overcame my injuries and continued playing golf. Will shares his deep passion for the game of golf with members of his community through golf instruction. The adult coaching program Will created guarantees a player to drop 10 shots in 10 weeks (or we teach you for free). It is a highly successful program that has had amazing results for Will’s students.
Adult Program Testimonials “I came to the program shooting 115 and got to 80 in eight weeks. I highly recommend the program to anyone who is really looking to get better fast and have fun doing it.”
-Cliff Zall “For years I was struggling with my game, overthinking and underperforming. I used Will’s coaching program to revolutionize my game – I am now on my path to the PGA tour and it’s because I started to believe in my ability by using Will’s mind-blowing techniques. ” -Isaac Sanchez
“From 95 to 76 in ten weeks – this is the way golf is meant to be learned, two thumbs up. I finally started to trust my game and believe in my skills. It was so fun and it was effortless! Rather than fixing and constantly tweaking my swing I trusted my swing and the results came instantly.” -Greg Coates
“Amazing program, amazing results” I finally understood how to take my game to the course and play golf with ease and enjoy it. It’s nothing like conventional instruction and it works.” – Bonnie Cyphers
Adult Free Workshops
Will hosts free adult workshops year-round to members of the community and at golf courses on a variety of topics including “10 Keys to Scoring,” “Golfing Maturity,” “Spring Cleaning: How to Get Back to Golf and Leave the Old Habits Behind” and “Who Are You Being on the Golf Course.” The informative and interactive workshops average 30 – 40 attendees each. Ladies Clinics In concurrence with the PGA of America’s initiative on Growing the Game for Women (Connecting with Her), Will offers a series of lessons/sessions specially designed for female players. Many of the female students prefer a class that is geared for them, as it reduces the intimidation factor that arises for some when learning (or playing) with a group of male golfers.
The clinics introduce them to the game in a comfortable environment along with other ladies who are picking up the sport for the first time. Along with offering Ladies Clinics, WRG has an ongoing relationship with the EWGA: National Golf Organization for Business Women – the Sacramento Chapter. WRG holds exclusive education clinics for the EWGA members offering two 1-hour lessons followed by a 1 ½- hour course playing lesson (nine holes) and holds separate clinics for Level 1 and Level 2 members. Additionally, Will’s team holds Ladies Clinics open to all golfers that have been extremely successful with sessions for beginners, intermediate and advanced players.
WRG Junior Programming
WRGolf’s company motto is “Making champions in golf and life.” Programming is centered around this motto and golf programs that not only teach the game of golf, but instills core values and life skills using The First Tee curriculum that students can take with them off the golf course. The WRG motto is built and lived out in each one of our programs. Overview of WRG Junior Programs: Junior Year-Round Program In 2008, the junior program was closed down at Empire Ranch Golf Course. Since juniors are the future of our sport, Will asked permission if he could kindly take over the program and rebuilt it, and the management team said yes! Under Will’s leadership, WRG has grown the program to more than 125 students per week. Will thought it was vital to build a junior year-round coaching program that is “age” and “skill” specific. All the students are taught at their specific skill level with opportunities for both fun and advancement (that relates to my WRGolf hat system) which is also part of our Junior Development Tour which Will oversees with the assistance of his dedicated support team. WRG’s First Tee junior golf program continues to grow. Programming includes year-round coaching, spring and summer camps, mini-camps, junior development tour, advanced coaching, and high school/college path mentoring. Camps are appealing for students looking to learn the game of golf in a fun environment which also incorporates The First Tee life skills. Year-round coaching program operates every day with 10 classes per week and up to 16 students in each class. WRG has over 90 kids per week in these classes, even in the winter months. The advanced program has 5 different classes based on the skill level that is determined from each player’s scores in our junior tournaments.
This program has over 40 kids in it, all working on reaching new levels for their games. The high school and college path program help mentor players to achieve their goals and work towards getting a college scholarship if that is something they want to pursue. There are currently 13 players that are playing college golf that have come through our WRGolf programs. The WRG Teaching Philosophy: At WRG, Will and his staff believe that to play to your potential you must look at the entire game of golf. Golf instruction is often about the golf swing but the game measured by score, not the look of your swing. All WRG Coaches use this same system that focuses a player on mastery rather than perfection.
At WRG, 3 key areas are focused to learn to play the game.
1. The Real Game of Golf – Golf is a game of misses & mistakes; nobody has perfected the game and no one ever will. The key is not to try to perfect the game but to play it! To do this you have to know that the lowest score wins. So, the question is how do you shoot lower scores? We teach our players through game-based training how to master shooting lower scores and how to track their play so they can match it up to stats from the best players in the world or from their desired level.
2. The Golfing Mindset – a golfer must be taught how to manage their emotions. A lot of people say golf is mental, but the game is more about managing your emotions to play better golf than it is just your thinking. In golf, golfers are tested mentally and physically; if emotions and negative thinking are in the picture, then the golfer will struggle to trust their talent and enjoy the so-called pressure of tournament play).
3. Purposeful Practice – WRG believes practice does not make perfect; it makes permanent! To become a champion golfer you must practice the way champion golfers practice. We teach our players how to train hard, so they can play easy. That means they put the effort in before they play and then go out there and trust their ability and the work they put in.
Also, as part of the WRG Junior program, students and parents can participate in free educational workshops covering topics such as:
• How to support my junior golfer
• How to create the right tournament schedule for your junior golfer
• Your child’s path to college golf
Junior Spring and Summer Camps
WRG has 10 weekly Summer Camps at ERGC June-Aug, with the different levels it makes it easy for a parent to find a program that fits their junior. Approximately 40% of Summer students advance to our First Tee Year-round Junior Coaching Program. WRG offers a Level 2 camp for intermediate-advanced golfers who have taken our Level 1 camp or have been in our year-round program, or have prior golf lesson experience elsewhere. WRG also offers a Level 3 for advanced players onto the golf course for on-course play. Summer camps are a great way for beginner players to be introduced to the game and try the program before committing to WRGs 3- or 6-month year-round program.
Mentoring Future Coaches:
Will Robins Golf graduates assist our Summer camps. This keeps them involved in the game and provides an opportunity to give back to the sport and mentor Junior players. Also, this gives WRG graduates an opportunity to coach and see if this is a possible future career for them. The juniors in turn have the opportunity to see the students that are just a few years removed from the exact programs they are in right now.
WRG Junior Development Tour
12 years ago, Will noticed that some juniors were not getting the opportunity to compete in tournaments as they were too young and/or not advanced enough at golf. Will felt that for them to stay in the sport they needed a place to compete at a level that fit their ability. He created a junior tour at our facilities that adopted the PGA Play it Forward theory, allowing juniors to play from 100-yard markers and progress back, 50 yards at a time, so they could develop their game enabling them to play in bigger events like the NCPGA Junior Tour of Northern California and PGA Junior League Golf Program.
In the WRG Junior Development Tour, all students tee off from the 100-yard marker and progress by achieving a score of 39 or lower to move back 50 yards/150-yard stakes. As a symbol of their progress, they also shift from wearing a white hat to donning a yellow hat. This hat system works well, each youth advancing in color as they earn greater playing distance on course (i.e. white to yellow, then orange, red, blue, green, purple, brown and eventually the black hat). Junior Tours are have sold out events each month with up to 50 kids playing, alongside their friends and parents as caddies.
This program gives students the opportunity to score and play from the tees that “fit to their distance” and “skill level” and motivates them to advance to the next “hat” level. Juniors come out each week (in a year-round coaching program) that teaches the game based on their hat level and focuses on scoring and helping juniors achieve their next level. I am extremely pleased with the results of the youth participating in our junior tours−it helps our students grow their confidence while helping them also reach their “personal best” golf goals.
The WRG Hat System:
Will created the hat system 11 years ago to give both juniors and their parents a clear path to improvement like you have in martial arts. The hat system is based of having our juniors focus in on the parts of the game they can master at their age & strength level. All players start at a White Hat Level and which is based on scoring from 100 yards from the hole and in. This the most critical part of the game of golf and the part that juniors can master and play to a level way beyond the age and strength level. One of the key things WRG does is have them track their putts with our scorecard. It shows the juniors have had 24 putts but only took 16 shots to go 900 yards, missing out on their yellow hat by just one shot. Inevitably, the next week we will see them out on the putting green learning how to lower their scores with what’s important at their level with is learning how to putt. They are unable to hit the ball 250 yards physically but they can play to that equivalent level in their chipping and putting. If we want our juniors to love the game, they have to be able to see improvement, have success, and be on a path to mastery. As a student advances through the WRG Hat System, they advance in our programming getting additional coaching time, skill development and mentoring. For a junior to advance in our hat system they will play in our Junior Developmental Tour where they play 9 holes with their teammates from weekly sessions on a Sunday afternoon with a parent or grandparent caddying. This gives them the opportunity to compete which unfortunately in the past was not an option for beginning junior golfers. WRG started the Junior Tournament 11 years ago and hold one a month year-round and have hosted well over 500 juniors with an average of 60 players per tournament.
The Path to Making Champions in Golf & Life :
Advanced Programming and Collegiate Mentoring Program
What sets WRG Advanced and College Path Mentoring programming apart is the focus on building not just golf swings, but champions in golf and life. The WRG team teaches their students what college golf coaches are looking for not just in golf, but in their lives (hobbies), academics, hard work, commitment, integrity and persistence. The game is played on the course so once our juniors have developed solid skill-sets, we get the students on the course to simulate golfing conditions (side hill lies, bunkers, hitting over water, etc.). Learning in the real environment enables them to gain confidence that they then can take to their play and tournaments. The goal of mentoring is to give the student the tools, education, and guidance to go to college and be able to handle the workload, life changes, and demands of a student-athlete.
Will created the Will Robins Golf (WRG) “Your Child’s Path to Collegiate Golf” which is a seminar held bi-annually. Parents and students are invited to a free presentation where we define the steps it takes to apply and secure a college scholarship. All players in our high school program work with our coaches extensively in our Collegiate Program. The Packet includes: defining the right college, how to create cover letters and content to send to coaches, practicing communication skills, and creating tournament schedule and stats to present to college coaches.
Since launching the Collegiate Mentoring program 5 years ago, WRG has had 13 students earn collegiate golf scholarships: • Sarah Debnekoff – Morehead State • Courtney Clark – UC Davis • Nico Dolley – Wagner University • Courtney Krause – University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas • Caleigh Clark – Cal State Los Angeles • Caroline Alameda – Lewis and Clark • Tim Sauer – Stanislaus State • Olivia Loeffler – Chico State • Natalie Groom – Wayne State • Savannah Wyrick – Bowling Green State University • Haley Reitz – Morehead State • Jasmine Monas – Sonoma State • Eden Hall – University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas • Austin Fox – University of Pacific
Mastery Series
Will created the Mastery program series for WRG students which includes Mental Mastery, Scoring Game Mastery, Short Game Mastery. They are three-hour intensives running consecutively for 4 weeks fiving specifically into these areas to ensure players reach their full potential. The intensives have been extremely well received and sell out each time. Additionally, Will created a High School Mastery intensive program for his students who were striving to make their high school golf team and to overcome challenges of being a Freshman on the team and learning how to balance the nerves in their first season. All of the intensives have had amazing results for our players with many students dropping multiple shots in just a month.
Parent Junior Tournament WRG hosts a Parent Junior Tournament twice a year and sells each tournament for the last 11 years with 36, 2- person parent-child teams. Students are encouraged to join the tournament with a parent, grandparent, or mentor. The day is so much fun and the positive community feeling is overwhelming. It is inspiring to see parents and juniors teaming up and competing together. The bond that grows through the game of golf is amazing. The tournament wraps up with awards and a family barbeque to bring everyone together to celebrate. It is by far, one of WRGs most popular events which demonstrates the importance of bringing the “family” and “community” aspect into a local junior golf program. Click here for Parent Junior Tournament Video Hardship Scholarship Program WRG offers a scholarship program for students whose families are experiencing financial hardships and cannot afford golf lessons for their child. The team helps families secure golferships (monetary support) from The First Tee by submitting nominations/applications on their behalf.
PGA JR League
Annually, WRG assembles a PGA Junior League which is vital to supporting the kids’ growth in the sport and providing them with another opportunity to compete in a team environment. The PGA Junior League is an excellent way to get kids into the sport by having fun-friendly competitions. It enables WRG advanced players to support and coach younger newer golfers and it involves the parents and community to really grow these juniors in golf. Drive, Chip and Putt
Over the years, WRG students have had great success with the Drive, Chip and Putt including: – Cooper Westphal – 2018 regional qualifier at Chambers Bay – Meghan Paracuelles – 2018 regional qualifier at Chambers Bay – Nailah Ngaophasy – 2018 regional qualifier at Chambers Bay – Claire Kung – 2018 regional qualifier at Chambers Bay – Lauren Pierce – 2018 regional qualifier at Chambers Bay – Marc Paracuelles – 2018 regional qualifier at Chambers Bay – Meghan Paracuelles – 2014 qualified for nationals at Augusta, GA Will and along with all of his coaches have taken the ADM certification at PGA.Coach to learn the vitally important skill sets that the American Development Model is showing PGA professionals regarding the science of learning. In doing so, Will has ensured that all of the Will Robins Golf programs are ADM compliant and all our coaches are ADM certified. Junior Open Houses WRG hosts Junior Open House to introduce our programs to the community attracting approximately 40 juniors escorted by their parents. As word spreads about our reputation for great coaching we anticipate our participation numbers will grow even more.
Developmental Junior Tour Annually we host our Junior Tour May through Dec. with our own point system (participants earn points for how they score and at the end of the year the golfer with the highest score earns a trophy). One Sunday a month we hold a Junior Tour event at Empire Ranch, we average 60-80 players ages 5-17. Parent Junior Tournament We host a Parent-Jr Tournament twice annually, in Spring and Fall. Our most recent tournament attracted 40 parent/jr teams. The tournament was followed by an awards dinner and a silent auction in support of The First Tee of Greater Sacramento. Additionally, WRGolf donated $10 for every team that participated in the tournament, raising nearly $800 for TFTGS and its community-based programs.
The COVID pandemic caused a lot of uncertainty in the golf world and then an explosion of growth due to golf being an outdoor activity. In March of 2020, everyone was concerned and unsure of what was happening.
Will held weekly Zoom webinars inviting any Coach all over the world to join and learn what other coaches in the world were doing during the pandemic to keep their business running and students engaged. At any time, 60+ coaches joined live to support each other whether they were in lock-down or not. It was an amazing community to be a part of as everyone came together to support each other. Will continues this training during his Mastermind Monday free sessions when he shares techniques that help Coaches grow their income, save valuable time, and guarantee results for their players. Topics covered include: • One Simple Strategy to Dramatically Increase your Confidence in your Coaching Skills • Simplify Your Teaching: 5 Ways to Drive Down Scores • Delight Your GM: How to quantify your value and expertise • 5 Tips for Running Successful Summer Camps • My # 1 On course game for low handicap golfers • How to run your own successful Junior Tour. • Building Personalized Improvement Plans
Growing the Game of Golf through Robins Golf Logistix (RGX)
Robins Golf Logistix (RGX) was built from the success Will Robins had at Will Robins Golf. He realized the opportunity that existed to help grow the game of golf Nationally by helping golfers achieve their full potential and to help golf professionals have the same success with coaching programs that he had experienced at his California locations. Will has since dedicated his career to helping PGA Professionals transform not only their players’ games, but their own lives through life balance – having more time with their families while increasing their revenue, thereby creating success as PGA members. With over 225+ RGX Coaches Worldwide in 17 countries and 39 US States, RGX’s mission is to revolutionize golf instruction worldwide by guaranteeing results for golfers, increasing productivity for professionals and more enjoyment for both. By implementing junior and adult coaching programs RGX is helping to grow the game of golf, and developing our players so they all have a clear path to success. For our Juniors especially, our developmental programs and junior tour ensure that Juniors will stay in the game and continue to play the game for life. Will’s RGX Coaches have had amazing success with their coaching programs. A few examples of RGX Coaches who have doubled their coaching program since starting their mentorship with me are: • Mike Dickson, PGA, Congressional Country Club, MAPGA 2015Teacher of the Year • Eric Jones, PGA, Pleasanton, CA, NCPGA Teacher of the Year 2014 • Kerryn Jamieson – Auckland, New Zealand • Ken Malnar – Chicago, IL • Parker Hammond – Santa Cruz, CA • Phil Moore, Lorena Ochoa Golf Academy, Goose Creek CC, Jurupa Valley, CA Warren Bottke – Jupiter, Florida, Bo Baker – Creek at Qualchan Golf Course, Spokane, WA
Please share any programming you have made to keep your customers & students engaged:
In addition to the WRGolf programming mentioned above at his facility including Junior Spring and Summer Camps, Junior Year-Round Program, Collegiate program, Ladies Clinics, On-Adult Course Group Coaching, Will has created a variety of innovative teaching programs and tolls for both golfers and Coaches that are used at WRG and Globally and are helping golfers stay engaged.
Will created The Scoring Method™, the teaching system that is revolutionizing golf instruction worldwide. Over 100 RGX coaches around the world use the system and get thousands of their player’s amazing results. People using the Scoring Method™ are getting on the course with a new perspective on the game and shooting their lowest scores. The Scoring Method™ system guarantees lower scores and more enjoyment from the game by showing golfers the 3 Keys to Unlocking Your Golfing Potential by learning: o How to have the golfing mindset o How to play the real game of golf o How to practice with a purpose Will also wrote a workbook for golfers to use on the course for The Scoring Method™ as well as an online video training series. (Thescoringmethod.com). More than 1000 golfers are using Scoring Method™ online video training system.
The second Scoring Method video training series was released in May 2019 and as of July 2019, over 250 have joined the course. Scoring Method Scorecard Will developed the Scoring Method scorecard to help players understand the 10 keys to scoring, and identify their strengths and weaknesses so they can set goals to improve their game. Purposeful Practice Card Will designed a purposeful practice card for to help them improve and gain more consistency. The practice card tests the drills to see if they are working.
Will also created The Scoring Method™ Golf Schools and travels the country with his team of coaches hosting multi-day intensives. The Scoring Method Training Pathway In addition, RGX trains Pros how to use The Scoring Method at their facility and with their golfers. With The Scoring Method Training Pathway Pros ramp up their effectiveness with a complete, step-by-step, on-course system to help their students monitor and improve their game, so Pros can focus on what they do best and enjoy most – coaching golf! By combining The Scoring Method with r on-course coaching instruction, Pros can assure each player’s extraordinary progress – often 10 shots in just 10 weeks. This flexible system has been successful for top-ranked professionals coaching over 10,000 golfers at all skill levels around the world. The Scoring Method has been used in a variety of golf settings for more than a decade.
Will has written, hosted and contributed to many articles, videos and publications. He uses a variety of media outlets to educate helping coaches reach full potential and help them grow their business to golf instructors all over the world including:
•Videos: Golf Digest: 11 ways to suck less at golf — without changing your golf swing (November 2022)
• Print: “Best Practices” PGA Magazine article with Vincent Manginelli: Will Robins on Teaching: Selling Results Rather Than Your Resume (March 2017)
• E-Print: 4-part Player Development NCPGA series: How Building Relationships with Your Customer Will Grow your Business. (March 2017)
• Videos: Golf Digest Training Series: The Will Robins Plan: Play Better Without Practice and Beginner Basics Golf Digest Training Series
• Podcast series, Golf in the Life Of
• RGX YouTube Channel providing weekly coaching tips
In addition to speaking engagements, Will has shared his story inspiring coaches and golfers around the world through media outlets such as:
• Dateline NBC special 2015 “Escape: Swept Away – Tsunami Survivors”
• Golf Magazine’s August 2014 story “Calm After The Storm”
• Golf Channel’s TV Show “In Play with Jimmy Roberts” in 2014
• Golf Business Canada Magazine, In Conversation with Will Robins in 2014
• CBS-TV’s “Beyond the Green: A Wave Carried Him Back to Shore” in 2013
• PGA National Magazine, First Survival, Then Awakening in 2012
Will speaks at universities and PGA and LPGA National Teaching Summits and also at the Golf Industry Show at the request of the National Golf Course Owners Association ─sharing knowledge on the importance of creating and implementing player development programs and providing insight on the success of WRGolf which serves as the basic model for the curriculum.
PGA Sections including, Nebraska, Arizona, Florida, and Northern California PGA Sections have invited Will to lead webinars for their members, providing insight on how to successfully implement their own coaching programs as well on how to Become the PGA Modern Coach.
Will’s presentation “From Burn Out to Will’s goal is to help revolutionize golf instruction by working with PGA Instructors/Coaches to help them successfully grow programs, and build their business and customer base which translates into growing the game of golf.
In 2017, Will wrote a 4-part Player Development series for the NCPGA entitled: How Building Relationships with Your Customer Will Grow your Business. The four articles were: • Go Against all the Tech Hype and Return to Old School • Get to Know Your New Customer on the Golf Course • Make It More Than Just Lessons • Reconnect with Your Passion
On a National level, Will partnered with the PGA of America to promote PGA.Coach and PGA Profiles. Will recorded a training series available on the PGA.Coach platform, Becoming a PGA Modern Coach.PGA.Coach advisor. He recently recorded a second series for Becoming a Modern Coach that was released Nov 2021 focusing on On-Course lessons.
Golf in the Life of Podcast Will is host and co-creator of the podcast Golf in the Life of which has been creating educational content for Coaches for 10 years focusing on helping coaches grow their coaching businesses and become better coaches . With over 100 episodes recorded, special guests include Jim Hardy, Suzy Whaley, Michael Breed, Warren Bottke, Chris Mayson and Martin Chuck.