Tasha Browner Bohlig, PGA
El Caballero Country Club
18300 Tarzana Drive
Tarzana, California 91356
(818) 535-0757
Tasha is the director of instruction at El Caballero Country Club and co-founder of Swing.Play.Love.Golf., a custom golf travel experience for women. Tasha is TPI certified, a U.S. Kids Golf Certified Coach and truly loves planning player development programs and helping all subsets of golfers to enjoy the game.
Facility Type: Private
Technology used in instruction:
- iPad
- Edufii
- V1
- FastCamera
- Foresight launch monitor
- Orange Peel and Whip
- SNAG & U.S. Kids equipment/aids
- SLKZ training aids
Approximate number of free “tune-ups” and lessons given per year: 50+
Growth of the game initiatives:
SNAG golf clinics in conjunction with food and beverage events – grandparents day, snow day, SNAG with a bounce house and combined with our “well known” Sunday brunch
Speaker series – designed a series that is underway during the Fall and Winter season (Sport Psychologist, TPI specialist, and other areas teachers will be featured)
Complimentary 10 minute video sessions – every Saturday between 12-1
Growing Swing.Play.Love.Golf, which creates customized golf travel for women, to area clubs who are unable to take their ladies on golf trips (http://www.swingplaylovegolf.com)