Rob Noel, PGA
Rob Noel Golf Academy
77141 Money Hill Parkway
Abita Springs, Louisiana 70420
(504) 296-2243
Rob Noel has been a PGA member since 1989 and was recognized as the Gulf States PGA Section Teacher of the Year five times. In 2014 he was awarded the Gulf States PGA Youth Player Development Award and was also named Best Teacher in Louisiana by Golf Digest in 2000, 2003 and in 2011, and also by Golf Magazine in 2005. Most recently, Rob was selected to Golf Magazine Top 100 and is now a Golf Channel Academy lead coach.
Facility type: Private
Past awards/recognitions:
- GRAA Top 50 Growth of the Game Teaching Professional
- PGA Section Teacher of the Year
- Golf Magazine Top-100
- Golf Digest Best in State
Technology used in instruction:
- Trackman
- V1 Pro
- K-Vest
- Edel
- AimPoint
- Sam Putt Lab
- FastFirst
- Henry-Giffitts Fitting System
- US Kids Fitting System
- Egolf Plan Stats System
Approximate number of free “tune-ups” and lessons given per year: 220
Growth of the game initiatives:
- Rob Noel Junior Champion’s Golf Academy for junior golfers
- PGA Jr,. League Golf
- Kelly Gibson Jr. Golf Tour
- Get Golf Ready