Phil Green, PGA
Phil Green Golf Academy at Home on the Range
671 Newcastle Rd Suite #9
Newcastle, California 95658
(916) 663-4653
In 1992, Phil’s passion for golf led him to build Home on the Range in Northern California. He has partnered his business with recreation departments, schools, Boys and Girls Clubs as well as the Special Olympics to grow the game. In 2013 and 2016 Phil was honored with the Northern California PGA Section’s Player Development Award.
Facility Type: Public
Past awards/recognitions:
- PGA Section Player Development Award
- Special Olympcis Coach of the Year
Approximate number of free “tune-ups” and lessons given per year: 2,500
Growth of the game initiatives:
I created, developed and ran “National Growth of the Golf Day” this past year. “National Growth of the Game Day took place across America on the days of April 3rd through April 10th. The program featured PGA and non PGA Professinals going into elementary schools and providing and introductory golf program to the students. After the program each student was provided with a coupon for a free golf clinic back at our facilities. I had over 100 golf professionals participate and bring golf to over 10,000 children that week. More importantly we gave 10,000 children a reason to come visit us at our facilities.