27 Park Ave
Natick, Massachusetts 01760
(781) 844-4004
Facility Amenities:
- Grass Tees (10)
- Bays with Mats (62)
- Accurate Yardage Measurements on Tees to Targets
- Short Game Practice Area
- Lighting for Night Use
- Synthetic Putting Green
- Grass Putting Green
- Covered Areas
Additional Amenities:
- Miniature Golf Course (18)
- Heated Bays (20)
- Food & Beverage
- Indoor Simulator
- Ball Flight Monitor
- 48 Power Tee Mats, Full Swing Simulators, Swing Catalyst and Top Tracer Technology
Type of Range Targets:
- Flags
- Built-up Greens
- McGolf has installed 200 feet of Top Tracer Technology, which allows any of our customers to download the app on their phone…This turns the phone into a personal launch monitor and tracks all of their data.
Instruction provided.
Number of PGA Professional Instructors: 2
Clubfitting services provided.
Total number of visits to range per year: over 210,000
Number of range balls dispensed on range per year: over 6.7 million
Number of range balls in inventory: about 125,000
New balls are acquired: every season we have been ordering 70 thousand new balls
Best range promotion:
We use the database to promote our new Power Tee mats, Top Tracer Technology, Indoor Simulators and Kids Summer Camp.
Special programs:
We run outings on a regular basis to contribute to different organizations.