Jonathan Mielke
Miracle Hill Golf
7212 S 140th st
7212 S 140th st, Omaha, Nebraska 68138, US
Please indicate past awards won/recognitions:
PGA Section Teacher of the Year, GRAA Top 100 Growth of the Game Teaching Professional, Golf Digest Best in State, Other (Indicate specific awards below in 3-a)
Other awards won:
US Kids Top 50 Kids Coach, US Kids Top 50 Master Kids Coach
Total number of individual lessons given per year:
Male: 350
Female: 400
Junior: 300
Total number of individual clinics given per year:
Please indicate any Growth of the Game initiatives your facility/academy has launched over the past year (please give specifics on such programs):
Meet the Pro Free Demonstrational Clinic
Join Jonathan Mielke for a fun and exciting demonstrational clinic that will discuss Jonathan’s background, teaching philosophy and some of the game biggest swing myths. Attend this eye-opening clinic to find out what a skateboard, Swiss ball, 2 x 8, blindfold and more, have to do with golf’s biggest swing myths.
This clinic is open to all ages and abilities.
Feel Vs. Real Free Demonstrational Clinic
If you have found improving your golf swing to be a difficult task or that the improvements you have made don’t last, join Jonathan for the free Feel vs. Real clinic. This demonstrational clinic will dive into the two most significant barriers in the learning process.
1. Feel vs. Real
2. Communication
Topics of discussion include.
Mind/Body/club relationship – Vision and sensory system – Visual Field – Motor learning – How to get the most out of your lesson and more…
If your goal is to enjoy the game and lower your scores, the insight from this clinic will build the foundation for improvement.
This clinic is open to all ages and abilities.
TPI Introduction Free Clinic
What is TPI? – The Titleist Performance Institute, the world’s leading educational organization and research facility dedicated to the study of how the human body functions in relationship to the golf swing.
Join Jonathan Mielke, a Titleist Performance Institute Level 3 Golf Instructor and TPI Level 3 Junior Coach for a free TPI introduction and demonstrational clinic that will discuss one of the most important tools you have as a golfer – the mind/ body.
Not sure if this is the clinic for you? Ask yourself the following questions.
Over the past 2 years has your handicap remained relatively the same or gone up?
Have you been dealing with the same swing issue for over 6 months?
Even with the most technologically advanced golf club in your bag, have you been posting relatively the same scores?
Do you have any pain when playing golf?
Have you had any injuries or surgeries in the last 7 years?
Is the lack of consistency or distance or both an issue in your golf game?
Do you feel you feel flexibility is important for golf?
If you have answered “yes” to any of these questions the TPI introduction Clinic will help shed light upon the true reasons your golf scores are not where you would like them to be.
Participants will also be given the opportunity to partake in a TPI Screening Assessment that will measure and highlight any area of the body that may be of concern.
This is a no pressure clinic, open to all ages and abilities.
Meet The SAM Puttlab Free Clinic
The Science and Motion (SAM) Puttlab is an analysis and training system that analyzes the 28 parameters of your putting stroke.
With 43% of your score coming from putting, the putter is arguably the most important club in the bag. Yet it remains one of the most misunderstood clubs.
The ‘Meet the SAM Puttlab” demonstrational clinic will utilize the analysis and training systems to demonstrate how the following aspects can help your confidence and stroke on the green.
Eye Alignment
Loft and Lie
Path and Face
Timing and Rhythm
Attack Angle
Putter Fitting
And More…
If three putts seem to follow you around the course or holing the short ones are an issue, let SAM help you discover your stroke.
Wedge Theory Free Clinic
I have had the opportunity to work with some of the best wedge players in the country and it is by no accident that they became the best. They know and understand the complexity of the most misunderstood clubs in the bag. The Wedge Theory Clinic will dive into what every great wedge player knows. Topics of discussion include.
Wedge design, loft, lie angle, dynamic loft, bounce, dynamic bounce, playability and more
To get the most out of your wedge game requires a specific knowledge of wedge design and playability. If you want to improve your wedge game this clinic will give you an inside look at the wedges.
PGA Junior league
We have five leagues and 125 youth golfers. We have two 3 hole leagues, a 6 Holes league, a 13U league and a 17U league. Athletes attend two times a week for a range session and a play day for 5 weeks.
Please share any programming you have made to keep your customers & students engaged:
Simplicity For Women Clinic
The Simplicity For Women clinic will simplify golf swing and stroke techniques that are needed to play the game. This clinic is designed to allow lady participants to have fun and learn the game in a no pressure learning environment. No matter the skill or experience level the clinic will be presented in an easy to follow and understand format that can jump start their golf game. The clinic is open to all ladies. Class size is limited to 8 students.
Road To Golf Junior Clinics
Designed for junior golfers age 11 to 16 the clinic will give the youth golfer an insight into the upcoming Junior Academy. The Road To Golf Clinic is a challenging program that develops junior golfers movement patterns with horizontal striking, ground based striking, wrist release, and upper and lower body stability/mobility. With the use of high-speed video analysis, S.A.M. putting sessions and advanced motion measurements the junior golfers will develop the correct movement patterns required to play golf at an advanced level. Juniors will also be involved in discussions concerning rules, etiquette, mental strength and course management. This clinic is open to all juniors between the ages of 11-16. Class size is limited to 10 students.
Chip Shots Junior Clinics
The Chip Shots Junior Clinic is a 1-hour golf adventure for juniors ages 5-10 that will give the junior golfer an insight into the upcoming Junior Academy. During each clinic a different theme is introduced that focuses on the Fundamental movement skills that are needed to become physically literate and the golf specific skills that are required to play the game. Each theme will have 3 different stations that the juniors will rotate through every fifteen minutes keeping them excited and entertained all while learning about the game in a fun and challenging learning atmosphere. This clinic is open to all juniors between the ages of 5-10. Class size is limited to 10 students.
3 Club Clinic
The three most important clubs in your bag are the driver, putter, and wedge. These three clubs can make up 75% of your total score. Why not learn to make the most of each of them? During this 90-minute clinic students will learn about the hold, lie angle, and the motion of the swing for these clubs. This clinic is open to all. Class size is limited to 8 students.
Ladies Tuesday Night 5 Hole League
The Tuesday Night 5 Hole League program has two main goals.
1. To have Fun
2. To provide the ladies with an opportunity to play weekly golf for 5 holes in a fun, no pressure situation; at the same time provide them with mind/ body skill building lessons to improve their game without the concern for score.
For a beginning or new golfer, the thought of having to keep your score places a lot of unnecessary pressure on their ability to have fun and learn the game.
The Tuesday Night 5 Hole League puts an end to score card pressure by not having any the participants keep score. In place of the traditional score card ladies will receive a specially designed, easy to follow, score card that keeps track of the Fun Factor and Golf Stats.
Golf statistics examples:
Number of putts – Length of putts – green reading – Number of chips – Length of chips – Lofted shots – Fairways hit – Missed greens – Bunker play – Up and downs – Bounce back – And more.
How can the Tuesday Night 5 Hole League make the game fun and at the same time improve your game?
1. Having Fun
Having fun, the first goal of the Tuesday Night 5-hole League and the most important aspect of playing golf, begins with league participants not being bound by most of golf’s traditional rules. The league has “It’s O.K” rules that are designed to help promote fun and learning.
Some examples of “It’s O.K.” rules.
Players are allowed to tee up the ball anywhere on the course.
Players may pick up their ball and advance it to any part of the course.
Players may skip any portion of the hole.
If you have never held a golf club or have some experience the 5 Hole League is about having fun and learning without the added pressure of score performance.
2. Stats and Skills
The traditional golf score of golf has always been relative to par. Par is just a number assigned to a hole based of length and hole complexity. The Stats and Skills eliminates Par and places the priority on skills verses score to par. This super fun program is designed to place the priority on a student’s ability to obtain the number one goal of golf – to get the ball in the hole.
Contrary to popular belief hitting a perfect drive or wedge shot alone will not improve your score, but looking at the whole picture can give you an answer of how and what to practice.
The game of golf itself is hard enough, let alone learning rules, golf lingo, etiquette, and equipment. The Tuesday Night 5 Hole League simplifies all the in’s and outs of the game through its clinics and it’s on course sessions.
Each Tuesday night session begins with a 30-minute group lesson that will simplify all of the in’s and outs of the game, from etiquette, rules, golf lingo, equipment and swing technique. After the 30 minutes range session participants have the option to play 5 holes of golf. Ladies will be placed into foursomes for tee times and be given a stat and skills score card to use during the 5 hole session.
After the completion of the five holes. the scorecard can be dropped off at the Stats and Skills Scorecard Box located in the pros hop. After a review of the scorecards, a golf video tip will be emailed to each participant that they may use during a practice session to improve their golf game.
The Tuesday Night 5 Hole League is a great place to make a friend with similar skills and goals.
If you are interested in learning to play the game of golf or just want to play a few holes of golf in a no pressure environment, the Tuesday Night 5 Hole League has an opening for you.
TPI Assessments and Personal Prescription Clinic
Are you serious about taking your game to the next level? Are you ready to make improvements that last? The TPI Assessments and Personal Prescription clinic will shed light on the real reasons your mind/body equals the swing and produces the ball flight pattern that it does. During this 90-minute session participants will undergo an advanced Titleist Performance Institute movement assessment along with a video swing analysis. From the results of the assessment and analysis, each participant will receive an individual specific personalized prescription along with a program for corrective stretching and exercises (based on assessment and personal goals)
Improve how your body functions to lower your scores through the TPI Assessments and Personal Prescription clinic. This clinic is open to all. Class size is limited to 8 students.
Bunker Basics
Does finding your ball has come to rest in a bunker leave you with an uneasy feeling? The bunker can be a very intimidating if the player has the wrong approach in their set up and swing. The Bunker Basics Clinic focusses on the ability to obtain the fundamental approach to bunker play. This a 90-minute session designed to teach the player bunker fundamentals the most important metal game/approach, such as set-up, swing and wedge design. Participants will also receive drills specific to their swing along with a bunker reference guide.
Don’t rely on luck in the bunker (because it does not happen), let the Bunker Basics Clinic help build your sand skills. This clinic is open to all. Class size is limited to 8 students.
Project Short Game
Project Short Game is a five-week program designed to lower golf scores in a fun and exciting learning atmosphere by focusing attention solely on short game training. The program consists of two different levels which allows students the ability customize their training according to goals, desire, and schedule. Students may attend one or both levels of the P.S.G. program.
Project Short Game will guide students of all skill levels to develop the correct motor skills, strategies and techniques that are required for all types of short game shots. The short game is unique in that each type of short game shot is played with different swing mechanics and different locations from the fairway, rough, fringe, bunker and putting green. Having the knowledge to choose the correct set-up, swing mechanics and club will drastically improve your chances of getting the ball closer to the hole and ultimately lowering you golf scores.
You don’t need extraordinary strength or coordination to become a skilled player around the greens, but you do need the correct motor skills and strategies and mental game.
Sign up for Project Short Game and start lowering your scores.
The P.S.G. Goal
The goal of Project Short Game is to lower you short game handicap by 5 points in 5 weeks.
Why Project Short Game?
How often do you find yourself practicing the short game? If you are, are you practicing correctly? Are your practice routines focused on the areas that need improvement?
The short game has more to do with your score than any other aspect of the game. More strokes are played and often lost around tricky greens, in deep bunkers and from imperfect lies and difficult pin positions.
Ask yourself this question.
How many greens in regulation (G.I.R.) do you hit per 9 holes or per an 18-hole round?
(Greens in regulation—Par 3’s ball in on the green in 1 stroke, par 4’s in 2 strokes and par 5’s in 3 strokes or less.
Looking at the greens in regulations category on the PGA, LPGA and Champions tour, the best players in the world average 12 G.I.R.’s per round and still shoot an average score of 70. What does that say about their skill with the short game?
The USGA Average Amateur Score/Category chart shows the relationship of greens hit in regulation, per score, and the direct relationship it has with the number of putts, chips, pitch, and sand shots. Notice that as the number of greens in regulation goes down, the chip/pitch/sand shots increase as well as the average score.
Let’s do the math!
For a player that averages a score of 71 and averages 12 G.I.R.
40% of the score is putting
7% is from chip/pitch/sand shots
Total percentage of shots from 50 yards and in = 47%
For a player that averages a score of 95 and averages 1 G.I.R.
43% of the score is putting
22% is from chip/pitch/sand shots
Total percentage of shots from 50 yards and in = 61%
If you think back on the last round of golf you played and how many greens in regulation you hit, you may find that for your game, the short game accounts for more than 60% of your strokes. This is a very large part of the game and thus, it requires special attention
The First Session of Project Short Game
You have heard about a golf handicap, but what about your short game handicap?
The first session of Project Short Game begins with identifying the participant’s short game handicap. You can only manage what you measure, so improvement becomes difficult without a measurement tool. Project Short Game utilizes the Mielke Golf Short Game Handicap System.
The Mielke Golf Short Game Handicap system evolved from years of tracking and mapping amateur golfer’s short game statistics. A testing system and matrix was then developed as a means of discovering where strengths and weaknesses are in the short game by providing the players with a short game handicap.
Each participant will be asked to hit a series of ball from different locations around the green ranging from the confidence testing 3-foot putts to the 50-yard middle wedge shots.
Points are added or subtracted for balls that come to rest inside or outside a target distance range. A record of the participants shots is kept on a specialized score card where scores will be totaled and compared to the short game matrix. A short game handicap is then awarded.
If the short game handicap is higher than a participant’s golf handicap the Mielke Golf Short Game Handicap system will identify and highlight areas of concern.
Any short game area of concern will receive attention with a personalized practice plan along with video tips and drills designed to focus improvement on specific areas.
At the end of the five-week session participant’s short game handicap will be tested again to confirm improvements.
Last Session of P.S.G.
Following the last session, a social will be held at the Pub where recap and video presentation will be held to honor the achievements of both the “Group” and “On-Course” participants.
Project Short Game Levels
The “Group” program is designed around improving short game skills in a fun, non-pressure learning atmosphere. Weekly sessions will discuss the set-up, mechanics, strategies and the process of the short game. Students will receive a “Quick Tip Video” for each clinic’s topic. Attending every clinic is not required but is encouraged as every week a different topic will be discussed. This clinic is open to all. Class size is limited to 10 students.
The “On Course” Program is designed around transferring the skills from the practice tee to the golf course. Students will learn to think their way around the golf course through course management, strategies, and the mental game. Each clinic starts with a 30-minute warm up/practice session followed by a 60 minute on course session that provides students with course condition practice. Take your game to the next level and lower your scores where it really counts, the golf course. This clinic is open to all. Class size is limited to 8 students.
Uneven Lies – Greenside Clinic
Having trouble from uneven lies around the green? Can the words.
Top, chunk, scull, thin, heavy, fat, blade, shank, thick be used to describe your shots from uneven lies?
The uneven Lies Greenside clinic will simplify the set-up changes and swings while providing each student with practical practice experience for the four main types of uneven lies.
1. Ball above the feet
2. Ball below the feet
3. Uphill
4. Downhill
With the correct setup and swing technique you can start using words like.
Solid, crisp and smooth to describe your new short game technique from the uneven lies – Greenside Clinic. This clinic is open to all. Class size is limited to 10 students.
Bunker – Advanced
This 90 Minute program focuses on the art of bunker play. Students will learn how to read the sand condition, the proper stance, posture, ball position, club face position and stroke for all the lies they may encounter in a bunker. Bunker Advanced Clinic topics include uphill, downhill, side hill lies, buried and 1 stroke ahead thinking. The advanced class will also discuss in length how wedge design can improve or hinder your chances in the bunker.
Experience the real art of bunker play, take the next step in the sand with the Bunker Advanced Clinic. This clinic is open to all. Class size is limited to 8 students.
Pole Drills – Putting Edition
The Pole Drills – Putting Edition clinic explores the most versatile golf teaching aid, the alignment pole. Participants will learn how the alignment pole can improve their putting skills in distance and directional control with drills like “Roll the pole” and the “Pole Trap Drill” If you would like to get better on the greens and have a fun time doing so, this is your clinic. This clinic is open to all. Class size is limited to 10 students.
American vs. European Short Game Clinic
Learn the history and techniques of the two different styles of short game. Each shot around the green may require a different technique. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages can save you strokes around the green. If you want to improve your short game skills and learn a few new ones, attend the American vs. European short game clinic. This clinic is open to all. Class size is limited to 10 students.
Advanced Theory – Short Game
Take your short game to the next level with the Advanced Theory Short Game clinic. Participants will learn the different approaches and mental thought process the tour professionals use in their game to increase their chances of getting up and down. This clinic is open to all. Class size is limited to 10 students.
Advanced Theory 2 (On-Course) – Short Game
The Advanced Theory 2 clinic will take the approaches and mental thought process learned in the Advanced Theory clinic to the course. Participants will have the opportunity to practice under real course conditions. Students will be placed in different locations around the greens and be given the knowledge and thought process that will give them the best chances of success on the golf course. This clinic is open to all. Class size is limited to 8 students.
Quick Pic and a Drill Clinic
The Quick Pic and a Drill clinic will give participants an opportunity observe their golf swing using high speed video analysis. After the analysis a drill will be prescribed that will be designed to improve their ball flight. If you would like a quick look at your swing and a drill that is specific to your swing issue attend the Quick Pic and a Drill Clinic. This clinic is open to all. Class size is limited to 8 students.
Do You Bounce Clinic
One of the most overlooked design features of the wedge is the bounce. The Do You Bounce clinic will focus on the what, why and how of the bounce on your wedges. Topics of discussion will include:
Static and dynamic bounce
Bounce numbers
Bounce playability
And more…
If you want to improve your wedge control and effectiveness around the greens this clinic will describe in detail how learning to play the bounce on your wedges can lower your scores. This clinic is open to all. Class size is limited to 10 students.
True Roll Putting
One of the most important aspects of putting can be traced back to the type of roll the ball has as it leaves the putter face. The True Roll Putting clinic will discuss the three main types of roll.
Back spin, neutral spin, top spin.
With the use of the S.A.M. Puttlab participants will be given the opportunity to discover what type of spin their ball has when it leaves the putter face along with the necessary adjustments in set up or stroke to correct the issue. This clinic is open to all. Class size is limited to 10 students.
Practice like You Play Clinic
Golf is one of the only sports practiced not on the field it is played. The Practice Like You Play Clinic will identify the differences along with a personal plan of how to transform range practice into productive sessions. If you have ever wondered why your practice swings are better than real swings or why your golf swing feels different when you get on the course. The Practice Like You Play clinic can give you the answers while helping you discover the most efficient manner in which to practice.
Improving your golf game does not start with hundreds of incorrect swings but rather just a few quality ones. This clinic is open to all. Class size is limited to 8 students.
S.O.S. – Secret of Success Clinic
Learn to take your game to the next level through proper course management, strategy and decision making. During this 5 hole lesson, students will discuss how to strategically play a golf course, how to handle different lies and to maximize their scoring potential. The student to instructor ratio is 4:1 so each student will receive personal attention on the course. This clinic is open to all. Class size is limited to 4 students.
Uneven lies – Long Game Clinic
How often have you been faced with a non-perfect lie on the course and the outcome was less desirable? Uneven lies are a common occurrence on the golf course and knowing how to alter your setup and swing to handle each of the uneven lies can make the difference between a great round and a poor one. During this 90 minute session you will receive range and on-course practical practice in how to properly set up for and swing on all of the uneven lies. You will also learn how these lies affect club selection, course management and target selection. This clinic is open to all. Class size is limited to 8 students.
2 Hour Power Program
During this 2-hour session students will focus on achieving more power and greater distance. Each student will have his/her swing efficiently measured using launch monitor technology and receive a recommendation on optimal launch based on the individual’s swing speed and attack angle. Each Participant will then be evaluated biomechanically through the Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) motion assessments. A speed matrix along with a personal prescription will be designed to help achieve greater power and distance.
Increasing your distance can be a reality with the proper prescription and speed matrix. This clinic is open to all. Class size is limited to 8 students.
Scoring Game School
This 2 hour program is for the golfer who would like to lower their scores immediately without having to change their full swings. Instruction will focus on all aspects of the short game including putting, chipping, pitching and sand play. After completing the instruction portion of the session players will be taught the correct application of the short game and course management on the golf course.
Included with the Scoring Game School is a personalized training video that is designed to help each player improve their course management.
Stop dreaming and start scoring with the Scoring Game School. This clinic is open to all. Class size is limited to 8 students.
Green Reading Clinic
Sink more putts and lower your scores by learning how to read greens like the pros. During this 90-minute session, players will learn the secrets that the touring professionals use to read greens more accurately.
The Green Reading Clinic topics include.
Basic green reading skills
Green design
Moisture levels
Aim point
Fall lines
And more….
Stop missing putts today and learn how to be a more accurate green reader. This clinic is open to all. Class size is limited to 20 students.
Stop the 3 Putt
Do three putts seem to follow you around the course? If you have more than two 3 putts per round the Stop The 3 Putt clinic will expose the cause and guide you to improvement though the knowledge of green design and drills. All three putts can be traced back to one of these aspects
1. Improperly fitted equipment
2. Distance Control
3. Direction Control
Leave the three putts behind you with the Stop The 3 Putts clinic. This clinic is open to all. Class size is limited to 8 students.
Junior Academy
All parents, club members and juniors are invited to attend the Parent/Junior Meeting. The meeting will discuss the new cutting-edge Junior Golf Academy.
The Junior Academy will bring forth a new era of junior golf instruction that will set the standard for Nebraska junior golf development and break new ground for long term athletic development the principle in junior golf development.
Junior Academy Mission Statement.
The Junior Academy’s mission is to provide a fun, exciting, safe and challenging avenue that guides and develops junior golfer’s skills while coaching life lessons through the game of golf. Through Long Term Athletic Development programs juniors will develop the necessary fundamental movement skills, athletic skills and essential golf skills while building a lifetime love for the game of golf.
Please join me for an eye-opening experience that will change the way you look at junior golf and instruction.