Joe McNeil
Short Game
2205 FM 471
2205 FM 471, Castroville, Texas 78009, US
Please indicate past awards won/recognitions:
GRAA Top 100 Growth of the Game Teaching Professional, Other (Indicate specific awards below in 3-a)
Other awards won:
US Kids Top 50 2022 & 2023
Total number of individual lessons given per year:
Male: 300
Female: 50
Junior: 1250
Total number of individual clinics given per year:
Please indicate any Growth of the Game initiatives your facility/academy has launched over the past year (please give specifics on such programs):
We run a 6-week beginner clinic that has been very popular.
$199 for 6-weeks
Week 1 – Putting / Course Etiquette
Week 2 – Chipping / Pitching / Bunkers
Week 3 – Full Swing Irons
Week 4 – Full Swing Driver
Week 5 – Class Votes
Week 6 – Scramble on the Trackman Range
Please share any programming you have made to keep your customers & students engaged:
I have an introduction to Junior Golf and the world of Tournament’s I go over with Parents that are new to golf or even one’s that have been in golf for a while but don’t know what is available for their kids.