Jason Kuiper
Grand Slam Golf Academy at Bobby Jones Golf Course
2205 Northside Dr NW
2205 Northside Dr NW, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, US
Please indicate past awards won/recognitions:
PGA Section Teacher of the Year, GRAA Top 100 Growth of the Game Teaching Professional, Other (Indicate specific awards below in 3-a)
Other awards won:
Golf Digest Best Young Teachers
Total number of individual lessons given per year:
Male: 500
Female: 200
Junior: 550
Total number of individual clinics given per year:
Please indicate any Growth of the Game initiatives your facility/academy has launched over the past year (please give specifics on such programs):
PGA HOPE- 4 six weeks sessions serving over 100 veterans (complimentary)
PGA Junior League- over 250 players- Top 15 Program in the country
Junior Summer camps- over 600 kids served
Ladies clinics- weekly- over 800 ladies served
Junior clinics- 14 clinics per week- over 2500 kids served annually
New Golfers Clinics- 4 week series- over 100 new golfers created
PGA Family Golf- 15 Families served
Please share any programming you have made to keep your customers & students engaged:
My goal in creating programming is to offer options for anyone and everyone. I try to make the programs flexible and convenient. Programs are offered for different types of golfers at different times and at different price points so that we can serve the most people possible. I have built a team of staff instructors of different demographics to ensure that any golfers is comfortable in my academy. The Grand Slam Academy generates over $1.2 Million in revenue all solely based on growing the game and offering player development programs. We serve approx. 12000 people annually in our various programs and lessons.
Junior clinics and Ladies clinics run throughout the entire year with no breaks. Spring and Fall are filled with PGA Junior League, PGA HOPE and New Golfers. The summer is comprised of 10 straight weeks of junior camps that serve over 600 kids.
We have done YMCA programs, Agape Youth Center programs, Police Athletic League Programs, Young Gents Inc programs, and finally we are so excited to start a new program with Her Shot Golf in 2025.