Forest Highlands Golf Club
Matt Bailey, Director of Golf
2425 William Palmer
Flagstaff, AZ 86005
Facility Amenities:
- Grass Tees (45)
- Accurate Yardage Measurements on Tees to Targets
- Short Game Practice Area
- Grass Putting Green
Additional Amenities:
- Pro Shop (1200 and 900)
- Ball Flight Monitor
Type of Range Targets:
- Flags
- Bunkers
- Built-up Greens
- Fairway Cuts
Instruction provided.
Number of PGA Professional Instructors: 10
Clubfitting services provided.
Total number of visits to range per year: 34,000
Number of range balls dispensed on range per year: 1,300,000
Number of range balls in inventory: 39,000
New balls are acquired: Once a year
A list of technologies used in instruction: Ball Flight Monitor
Best range promotion: This season we did several clinics for men, women and juniors.
Each clinic was conducted weekly throughout the season. The clinics had a specific topic the instructor would cover for the hour an a half time frame, ie… full swing, putting, chipping etc.. the women’s clinic averaged 9 participants, men’s 8 and the juniors 15.
We also conducted 3 week long junior camps which averaged 45 juniors per week. The camps included SNAG equipment for the newer golfers so they were successful in their first attempt at golf. The main focus was FUN. Another clinic we conducted was a weekly Ladies 3-holer. The ladies would gather on the range for an hour clinic. After they wen on the course to play 3 holes and use what they learned on the course. This clinic averaged 5 players per week.
Special programs: We hosted the 2014 Girls’ Junior Championship in July. During the championship we partnered with the First Tee of Phoenix, LPGA, and Junior Golf Association of Arizona to conduct a golf clinic for girls ages 5-17. We advertised the
clinic all over Northern Arizona in local news papers, city summer programs, Boys & Girls Club, summer school programs and on the radio. The clinic was one child short, 84 girls, of a record clinic for the First Tee of Phoenix (their clinics are conducted in a much larger demographic area Phoenix). We had one girl come from Paige, AZ 3 hours away.
The Northern Arizona University Golf Team kicked off the clinic by doing an exhibition and discussing how they started playing golf. After the exhibition they had the opportunity to putt, chip and hit balls. When the clinic was over, they had lunch, which was sponsored by Safeway. The girls in the clinic were invited to watch the Girls’ Junior players play their first match after lunch.