Craig Bocking
The Ledges Golf Academy
The Ledges of Huntsville
32 castle down dr
The Ledges of Huntsville 32 castle down dr, Huntsville, Alabama 35802, US
Please indicate past awards won/recognitions:
PGA Section Teacher of the Year, GRAA Top 100 Growth of the Game Teaching Professional, Golf Digest Best in State
Other awards won:
FCG top 25 junior coach in America, Alabama chapter teacher of the year
Total number of individual lessons given per year:
Male: 700
Female: 250
Junior: 900
Total number of individual clinics given per year:
Please indicate any Growth of the Game initiatives your facility/academy has launched over the past year (please give specifics on such programs):
2022 Bocking Golf Coaching Spring Schedule
with Director of Instruction
Craig Bocking,PGA
Putter Aim Coaching Class
How well do you Aim your putter? Are you struggling with starting the ball down your intended line? I get players all the time that come to me with struggles on the greens and they are aiming the putter 2-3 degrees left or right from the intended target line. Are you putting with a putter that gives you the best chance to hole more putts? Are you in the correct putter length? How does eye dominance factor into putting? These are just a few of the questions we will answer in this class. Hole more putts by simply aiming the putter where you would like the ball to start!
Thursday November 3rd
Time 5:30-6:30pm
Cost: $100
Putting Spring Series
Regardless of your level of play, you’ll benefit from learning sound techniques and fundamentals to be a world class putter.
Class Size: 6 Cost: $250(includes all 4 sessions, current putter evaluation, and notes with video wrap up loaded to Bocking App)
Day: Saturday’s in March
Dates: March 5,12,19,26
Time: 4-5pm
Lead Instructor: Craig Bocking
Day 1 March 5 Evaluate putter, current mental state of students putting, and video captures of current stroke
Day 2 March 12 Stroke fundamentals and application
Day 3 March 19 Managing speed to eliminate 3 Putts
Day 4 March 26 Final video captures with improved stroke and strategies
Cost $250
Located at the Golf Academy
Lower Scores Sign Up Now!
Practice coaching series
Do you find yourself not getting the most out of your practice sessions? Maybe you don’t have long to practice because of a busy weekly schedule? Your not getting any better after practicing for extended amounts at a time? You might not be practicing the right things that’s going to help you reach the next level. Regardless of your skill level this is the track for you! We will discuss stategies, prescribe drills, games, and show you how to get the most out of your practice! Let’s have fun and make 2022 your best golf year!
When: Saturday April 2nd
Time: 3-5pm
Cost $125
Limit 8
AimPoint Express Read Level 1 &2
When Saturday March 26
AimPoint Green Reading Coaching Series
Regardless of your skill level this series is for you. Have you ever found yourself debating which direction a putt breaks? How about deciding if an important 10 foot putt is needed to be aimed inside the left edge or outside the cup? AimPoint Express is the green reading system that teaches players how to accurately predict break. Don’t let putting be a mystery anymore, stop guessing and learn the simplicity behind AimPoint Express.In this series we will take a deeper dive into an important skill to help master the flatstick.
Hosted by Director of Instruction Craig Bocking
Where: Putting Green/Golf Academy
•Slope training, Master short putts and single breaking putts
•learn how to read putts with multiple tiers and slopes
•Manage your speed and pace on the greens and develop tour like tempo
•2hours/Maximum 8 students
Member Cost $175
Craig Bocking
FULL SWING Coaching Series Find out how your own swing works and how you can understand your tendencies to make it the best possible swing style for you. Own it! Coaching Series includes physical screening and ground mechanic analysis before/after the series, as well as all participants will receive an uploaded video wrap up of their swing.
Class Size: 6 Cost: $250 (includes all 4 sessions + emailed video summary at end of series) Dates: Saturday’s May 7, 14, 21, 28.
Time: 5-6:30pm
Lead Instructor: Coach Bocking
DAY 1 May 7 -measure students physical makeup that determines their ideal swing path, posture, plane, and what forces that’s each player needs to utilize to help create the match ups to play better golf today.
DAY 2 May 14- Review video captures focusing on students Ideal swing that works for them.
Day 3 May 21- Prescribe customized drills for each student based on students bio mechanical makeup.
Day 4 May 28- Final round of Swing Catalyst captures with and compare upgrades made throughout series
Own your best swing and Sign Up Today!
Short Game Coaching Series
One of the biggest mistakes I see most players make is they do not spend enough time on their short game. Approximately 30% is from the edge of the green to approximately 100 yards out. If you are not working on this facet of your game you will never realize your scoring potential. In this series you will learn sound fundamentals and technique to get the ball in the hole from anywhere less than your full swing with your wedges. Focus will be on 1/2 and 3/4 wedge play, bump and run, finesse shot (low, medium, high trajectories), bunker play (different distances) and the hinge and hold shot.
Class Size: 6 Cost: $250 (includes all 4 sessions + emailed video summary at end of series) Thursday’s: May 5,12,19,26 Time 5:30-7pm Director of Instruction:
Craig Bocking
Day 1 May 5 Swing Catalyst Captures of current 1/2 wedge swing and 3/4 wedge swing using swing catalyst 3D motion plate and software
Day 2 May 12 Wedge technique practice session
Day 3 May 19 Club decision strategy from 100 yards and in
Day 4 May 26 Final video captures to compare technique upgrades.
On-Course BG Coaching Series
Breaking 90 9hole coaching strategy session/2hours
Hosted by Director of Instruction Coach Bocking
When Sunday June 6
Time 4-6pm
Member Cost $175
Are you a 20+ handicap? If Yes, then this is the series for you. We are headed out on the course. Learn where you are throwing away costly strokes on the course! Is it on the greens? Maybe it’s around the greens? Poor club selection? Off the tee issues? Is there 1-2 holes that produce big numbers? Just bad decisions? We’ve got you covered and going to take a deeper dive into issues that your struggling with on the course and costing you strokes
AimPoint Green Reading Coaching Series
AimPoint Express Read Level 1 &2
When Saturday June 18
Where: Putting Green/Clubhouse
•Slope training, Master short putts and single breaking putts
•learn how to read putts with multiple tiers and slopes
•Manage your speed and pace on the greens and develop tour like tempo
•2hours/Maximum 8 students
Member Cost $175
Regardless of your skill level this series is for you. Have you ever found yourself debating which direction a putt breaks? How about deciding if an important 10 foot putt is needed to be aimed inside the left edge or outside the cup? AimPoint Express is the green reading system that teaches players how to accurately predict break. Don’t let putting be a mystery anymore, stop guessing and learn the simplicity behind AimPoint Express.In this series we will take a deeper dive into an important skill to help master the flatstick.
Hosted by Director of Instruction Craig Bocking
The AimPoint Speed Class will teach you how to understand changing speed conditions, uphill and downhill adjustments, and how to train yourself. This class will dramatically improve your overall putting performance. The Express Read is a pre-requisite for this class.
Hosted by Director of Instruction Coach Bocking
Saturday June 26
•1 HR/Maximum 8 students
Member Cost $75
Tee Shot BG Coaching Class
July 11 Saturday 4-5:30pm was
Limited-8 participants
Cost $49
Hosted by Director of Instruction Coach Bocking
This class is designed to help you hit more fairways with the Driver to give you the best opportunity to shoot lower scores! Most often I see players that hurt their chances of being a good driver of the golf ball just by the setups I see! Do you struggle slicing the driver? Are you inconsistent with your strikes? Hitting it high on the face? Too much spin on the golf ball? Banana ball? Low off the face? Toe or heel strike? These are the questions that will be answered in this class the will have you driving the golf ball with confidence! Space is limited to the first 8 participants! Drive it better in 2020! Sign up at bockinggolf.com.
AimPoint Express Read Level 1 &2
When Saturday July 24
time 4-6pm
Hosted by Director of Instruction Coach Bocking
Where: Putting Green/Clubhouse
•Slope training, Master short putts and single breaking putts
•learn how to read putts with multiple tiers and slopes
•Manage your speed and pace on the greens and develop tour like tempo
•2hours/Maximum 8 students
Member Cost $175
On-Course BG Coaching Series
Breaking 80 9hole coaching strategy session/2hours
Hosted by Director of Instruction Coach Bocking
When Sunday July 25
Time 3-5pm
Member Cost $175
Are you a 10-15 handicap? If Yes, then this is the series for you. We are headed out on the course. Learn where you are throwing away costly strokes on the course! Is it on the greens? Maybe it’s around the greens? Poor club selection? Off the tee issues? Is there 1-2 holes that produce big numbers? Just bad decisions? We’ve got you covered and going to take a deeper dive into issues that your struggling with on the course and costing you those valuable strokes that’s hurting your score! This coaching series will be limited to 4. At the end of the Oncourse Xperience we will give you a plan that will clear a pathway to the 70s!
See you on the course! Register at bockinggolf.com.
FULL SWING Coaching Series Find out how your own swing works and how you can understand your tendencies to make it the best possible swing style for you. Own it! Coaching Series includes physical screening and ground mechanic analysis before/after the series, as well as all participants will receive an uploaded video wrap up of their swing.
Class Size: 6 Cost: $250 (includes all 4 sessions + emailed video summary at end of series)
Dates: Sunday
September 5,12,19,26
Time: 4-5pm
Lead Instructor: Coach Bocking
Short Game Coaching Series
One of the biggest mistakes I see most players make is they do not spend enough time on their short game. Approximately 30% is from the edge of the green to approximately 100 yards out. If you are not working on this facet of your game you will never realize your scoring potential. In this series you will learn sound fundamentals and technique to get the ball in the hole from anywhere less than your full swing with your wedges. Focus will be on 1/2 and 3/4 wedge play, bump and run, finesse shot (low, medium, high trajectories), bunker play (different distances) and the hinge and hold shot.
Class Size: 6 Cost: $250 (includes all 4 sessions + emailed video summary at end of series)
Time 5:30-6:30
Lead Instructor: Craig Bocking
Day 1 Swing Catalyst Video Captures of current 1/2 wedge swing and 3/4 wedges
Day 2 Wedge technique practice session
Day 3 Club decision strategy from 100 yards and in
Day 4 Final video captures to compare technique upgrades
Putter Aim Coaching Class
I get players all the time that come to me with struggles on the greens and they are aiming the putter 3-5 inches from there intended target line. Are you putting with a putter that gives you the best chance to hole more putts? Are you in the correct putter length? Are you left or right eye dominant? How does eye dominance help you make more putts? These are just a few of the questions we will answer in this class. Hole more putts this year by simply aiming the putter where you would like the ball to start rolling!
Saturday August 28th
Time 4-5pm
Cost: $50
Limit 8 players
Putting Coaching Series
Regardless of your level of play, you’ll benefit from learning sound techniques and fundamentals to be a world class putter.
Class Size: 4 Cost: $300(includes all 4 sessions, current putter evaluation, and notes with video wrap up loaded to Bocking App) Thursdays
Dates: October 6,13,20,27
Time: 5:30-6:30
Lead Instructor: Craig Bocking
Day 1 Evaluate putter, current mental state of students putting, and video captures of current stroke
Day 2 Stroke fundamentals and application
Day 3 Managing speed to eliminate 3 Putts
Day 4 Final video captures with new stroke and strategies
Lower Scores Sign Now!
AimPoint Green Reading Coaching Series
Regardless of your skill level this series is for you. Have you ever found yourself debating which direction a putt breaks? How about deciding if an important 10 foot putt is needed to be aimed inside the left edge or outside the cup? AimPoint Express is the green reading system that teaches players how to accurately predict break. Don’t let putting be a mystery anymore, stop guessing and learn the simplicity behind AimPoint Express.In this series we will take a deeper dive into an important skill to help master the flatstick. Also we will be combining speed work in the class. The AimPoint Speed Class will teach you how to understand changing speed conditions, uphill and downhill adjustments, and how to train yourself. This class will dramatically improve your overall putting performance. The Express Read is a pre-requisite for this class.
***Players of all levels from club golfers, college players, up to the PGA Tour are using AimPoint Express and seeing the benefits. What are you waiting for
Sign Up Now!
AimPoint Express Read Level 1 &2 plus speed class
Hosted by Director of Instruction Coach Bocking
October 15th
Time: 9-11
Cost $250
Where:Putting Green/Clubhouse
•Slope training, Master short putts and single breaking putts
•learn how to read putts with multiple tiers and slopes
•Manage your speed and pace on the greens and develop tour like tempo
•2 hours
Hosted by Director of Instruction Craig Bocking
Where:Putting Green/Clubhouse
•Slope training, Master short putts and single breaking putts
•learn how to read putts with multiple tiers and slopes
•Manage your speed and pace on the greens and develop tour like tempo
Hosted by Director of Instruction Coach Bocking
FULL SWING Coaching Series Find out how your own swing works and how you can understand your tendencies to make it the best swing style for you. Own it! Coaching Series includes physical screening with Swing Catalyst dual plates and video software analysis before/after the series, as well as all participants will receive an uploaded video wrap up of their swing.
Class Size: limited 4
Cost: $300 (includes all 4 sessions + emailed video summary at end of series.
Thursday’s-September 8, 15, 22, 29
Time: 5:30-7:00
Director of Instruction
Coach Bocking
DAY 1 September 8
– measure students physical makeup that determines their ideal swing path, posture, plane, and what forces each student needs to utilize to help create the match ups to play better golf today.
DAY 2 September 15 Review video captures focusing on students Ideal swing that works for them.
Day 3 September 22 Prescribe customized drills for each student based on students bio mechanical makeup.
Day 4 September 29 Final round of Swing Catalyst Video captures to compare upgrades made throughout series
Own your best swing and Sign Up Today!
Please share any programming you have made to keep your customers & students engaged:
November 16 Grip
Goal: matching your grip to your swing. All golfers have a pattern that fits best.
What’s your neutral grip? Is your lead hand stronger, more neutral, or on the weaker side? Is your trail hand designed to be positioned on top, side cover, side on, side under, or under? A golfers trail hand grip determines the proper hinge of the club in the backswing as well as dictate what the trail elbow does and the path the club travels. There are multiple ways to position your hands on the handle and knowing how your designed to position them is a key to playing your best golf! Come join us at the academy for an evening of tips to help you with your game!
December 14 Pivot
Do you know your designed pivot style? There are three types of pivots and understanding which one fits your designed movement pattern is extremely important resulting in better ball striking. The three pivot styles are front post, center post, and rear post. All three are correct and it’s extremely important to knowing which pivot style fits your movement design. Come join us at the academy for some tips to help your ball striking and better your game!
January 11 Driver game improvement
Looking to find more Fairways during your round? Maybe seeking more power like most golfers are looking for? Or are you striking the driver all over the face? If this is s all too familiar , this track is for you. We will make sure your backswing plane is up to par, measure how efficient your using the ground with our Swing Catalyst dual motion plates, and provide you a plan for better driving! Come join us at the academy and improve your tee shots!
February 8 Wedge Game
Rate your wedge game from 120 yards and in on a scale from 1-10. Did you rate yourself 5,6,or 7? Maybe lower? Struggling with contact resulting in distance control? Too many chunked shots? Dreaded shanks? Or the thin shot? We will dial in your setup, look at your pressure at address and see what your pressure is doing throughout your motion. Possibly your creating too much sway in the backswing, or maybe too shallow or steep? Join us at the academy to understand your tendencies with the wedges and improve your wedge action for lower scores!
Ages 13-18
Camp mission statement
Our mission is to provide a learning environment for the competitive junior golfer looking to elevate their golf game by teaching important factors that influence the flight of their golf ball and gain insight to their tendencies that lead to inconsistencies on the course. Our junior golf coaching camp will teach players to have a better understanding of the game, own their natural swing, develop critical skills, and prep them for tournament golf resulting in a competitive advantage for every junior golfer enrolled in one of our coach camps!
***This will be a fantastic opportunity for junior golfers to train better by training more efficiently***
Tuition $1695
Includes 30+ hours of elite coaching
Player gift bag
Tournament competition
***Guest Speakers***
Sports Psychologist
1-2 college coaches
Camp agenda
10 week structured elite performance program with a high emphasis on random and block practice
Where: The Ledges Golf Academy
Hosted by Director of Instruction
Craig Bocking,PGA
2016 & 2020Alabama/NW Florida PGA Section Teacher November 16 Grip
Goal: matching your grip to your swing. All golfers have a pattern that fits best.
What’s your neutral grip? Is your lead hand stronger, more neutral, or on the weaker side? Is your trail hand designed to be positioned on top, side cover, side on, side under, or under? A golfers trail hand grip determines the proper hinge of the club in the backswing as well as dictate what the trail elbow does and the path the club travels. There are multiple ways to position your hands on the handle and knowing how your designed to position them is a key to playing your best golf! Come join us at the academy for an evening of tips to help you with your game!
December 14 Pivot
Do you know your designed pivot style? There are three types of pivots and understanding which one fits your designed movement pattern is extremely important resulting in better ball striking. The three pivot styles are front post, center post, and rear post. All three are correct and it’s extremely important to knowing which pivot style fits your movement design. Come join us at the academy for some tips to help your ball striking and better your game!
January 11 Driver game improvement
Looking to find more Fairways during your round? Maybe seeking more power like most golfers are looking for? Or are you striking the driver all over the face? If this is s all too familiar , this track is for you. We will make sure your backswing plane is up to par, measure how efficient your using the ground with our Swing Catalyst dual motion plates, and provide you a plan for better driving! Come join us at the academy and improve your tee shots!
February 8 Wedge Game
Rate your wedge game from 120 yards and in on a scale from 1-10. Did you rate yourself 5,6,or 7? Maybe lower? Struggling with contact resulting in distance control? Too many chunked shots? Dreaded shanks? Or the thin shot? We will dial in your setup, look at your pressure at address and see what your pressure is doing throughout your motion. Possibly your creating too much sway in the backswing, or maybe too shallow or steep? Join us at the academy to understand your tendencies with the wedges and improve your wedge action for lower scores!
Ages 13-18
Camp mission statement
Our mission is to provide a learning environment for the competitive junior golfer looking to elevate their golf game by teaching important factors that influence the flight of their golf ball and gain insight to their tendencies that lead to inconsistencies on the course. Our junior golf coaching camp will teach players to have a better understanding of the game, own their natural swing, develop critical skills, and prep them for tournament golf resulting in a competitive advantage for every junior golfer enrolled in one of our coach camps!
***This will be a fantastic opportunity for junior golfers to train better by training more efficiently***
Tuition $1695
Includes 30+ hours of elite coaching
Player gift bag
Tournament competition
***Guest Speakers***
Sports Psychologist
1-2 college coaches
Camp agenda
10 week structured elite performance program with a high emphasis on random and block practice
Where: The Ledges Golf Academy
Hosted by Director of Instruction
Craig Bocking,PGA
2016,2020,2021 Alabama/NW Florida PGA Section Teacher of the Year
Top 25 Elite Master Junior Coach in America
Topics covered:
Full Swing
* Swing Catalyst video analysis
* KVest 3D Motion capture
* GCQUAD Evaluations
* Situational shots
* Stat tracking
Short Game
* Chipping and pitching techniques
* Distance wedge work
* Uneven lies
* Finesse wedge shots
* Bunker skills
* Situational shots on-course
* Putter evaluation
* Sam PuttLab
* Start line skills
* Putt Speed Training skills
* AimPoint Green reading skills
* The putting board and conic training
* Matching speed with start line training
Also covered…..
•OnCourse situational learning
•Customized individual practice plans
•High emphasis on random and focused practice
•Weekly practice plans and drills uploaded in players Bocking Golf •App along with forum content uploaded daily
•Competition/tournament play
***We will have a 18 hole stroke play event where all golfers will be seeded after the 18 holes based on score in weeks 7-8 and conclude the coach camp with a match play tournament weekend in weeks 9-10***
of the Year
Top 25 Elite Master Junior Coach in America
Topics covered:
Full Swing
* Swing Catalyst video analysis
* KVest 3D Motion capture
* GCQUAD Evaluations
* Situational shots
* Stat tracking
Short Game
* Chipping and pitching techniques
* Distance wedge work
* Uneven lies
* Finesse wedge shots
* Bunker skills
* Situational shots on-course
* Putter evaluation
* Sam PuttLab
* Start line skills
* Putt Speed Training skills
* AimPoint Green reading skills
* The putting board and conic training
* Matching speed with start line training
Also covered…..
•OnCourse situational learning
•Customized individual practice plans
•High emphasis on random and focused practice
•Weekly practice plans and drills uploaded in players Bocking Golf •App along with forum content uploaded daily
•Competition/tournament play
***We will have a 18 hole stroke play event where all golfers will be seeded after the 18 holes based on score in weeks 7-8 and conclude the coach camp with a match play tournament weekend in weeks 9-10***
In addition we are starting up a pod group program to include oncourse strategy and group instruction so members can receive coaching from me that usually cannot get in to see me at a reduced rate!
I have a coaching app I use called Sportsboxai 3D as a communication tool for all my students as well as a Swing U stat tracking app, so I can keep up with all my students stats throughout the year to maximize game performance.
I send out weekly newsletters with lesson of the week videos to keep clients engaged with golf tips along with up to date information regarding lesson packages a booking link for easy scheduling!