Cog Hill Golf & Country Club
12294 Archer Ave
Lemont, Illinois 60439
(630) 257-5872
Facility Amenities:
- Grass Tees (72)
- Bays with Mats (50)
- Accurate Yardage Measurements on Tees to Targets
- Short Game Practice Area
- Grass Putting Green
- Covered Areas
Additional Amenities:
- Heated Bays (25)
- Golf Shop (1200 sq. ft.)
- Ball Flight Monitor
- For the 2019 season and beyond…The Jemsek family implemented a very high end music sound system including 8 outdoor speakers controlled by amplifiers and subwoofers.
The Cog Hill Learning Center now plays background music all day long….
Type of Range Targets:
- Flags
- Bunkers
- Built-up Greens
- Fairway Cuts
Instruction provided.
Number of PGA Professional Instructors: 2
Clubfitting services provided.
Total number of visits to range per year: 120,000
Number of range balls dispensed on range per year: 2,005,000
Number of range balls in inventory: 90,000
New balls are acquired: Starting in 2019, every year.
Best range promotion:
This year we started promoting and conducting social nights (Fridays)…with local micro brewery companies…
Bloody Mary Bar during our Demo Days…
Special programs:
Chicago First Tee
PGA Junior Camp
Numerous Park District Programs