Chris Knobloch

Chris Knobloch

Junior Golf 365

100 Eagles Landing Way

100 Eagles Landing Way, Stockbridge, Georgia 30281, US

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Please indicate past awards won/recognitions:
GRAA Top 100 Growth of the Game Teaching Professional, Other (Indicate specific awards below in 3-a)

Other awards won:
USKids Golf Top 50 Master Kids Teacher, 2017 Georgia Section Youth Leader, 2007 Georgia Section Growth of the Game Recipient

Total number of individual lessons given per year:
Male: 60
Female: 60
Junior: 240

Total number of individual clinics given per year:
150 – including ladies, juniors, camps and group programing

Please indicate any Growth of the Game initiatives your facility/academy has launched over the past year (please give specifics on such programs):
I have started at a new facility at the end of last year and started a beginning ladies program which includes some course lessons too. The club had not opportunities for these ladies to learn the game and the percentage of ladies playing golf was minimal. We now have almost 20 new lady golfers playing with their families and other ladies.

Another program that is under way is a Senior Men’s Short Game class – this weekly program focusing on Chipping, Pitching and Bunkers is starting get a nice turn out each week.

Off Season Speed Class – Using the Stack System and App, we had a winter/ early spring program for students who want to increase their speed – with about 10 participates – we added swing speed to all – an 86 year old student increased his speed from 68 MPH to 80 MPH… he was super excited!

PGA Junior League – my Junior Golf 365 program leads PGA Junior League at 3 different locations and have almost 150 kids with a Spring and Fall League… 2 of these locations have not had PGA Junior League in the past.

Please share any programming you have made to keep your customers & students engaged:
Coach Now is the main communication tool I use with all students to capture/ share swing videos. Concluding a lesson or specific point during a lesson using the audio feature is a powerful tool. This also provides my parents/student to take videos or submit questions when we are unable to get together.

I also have started to use Sportsbox AI which can turn a slow motion video into 3D swing with incredible measurement numbers such as shoulder & pevis turn, head movement with the 2D & 3D video. The 6 different views of the swing gives a unique view point without taking 6 different swings. New voice over and profile system is a game changer.

USKids Player Pathway / Scoreboard – Using the USKids Player Pathway provides kids and parents a guide to improve and measure progress.

Weekly Email with programing/ golf product updates, tournament opportunities and “What’s Next” steps to learn.