Burke Lake Golf Center
6915 Ox Road
Fairfax Station, Virginia 22039
(703) 323-1641
Facility Amenities:
- Bays with Mats (64)
- Accurate Yardage Measurements on Tees to Targets
- Short Game Practice Area
- Lighting for Night Use
- Grass Putting Green
- Covered Areas
Additional Amenities:
- Heated Bays (24)
- Golf Shop (400 sq. ft.)
- Food & Beverage
- Updated newly added chipping, putting green and practice bunker.
Type of Range Targets:
- Flags
- Target greens, Targets
Instruction provided.
Number of PGA Professional Instructors: 1
Number of LPGA Professional Instructors: 1
Clubfitting services provided.
Total number of visits to range per year: 73,000
Number of range balls dispensed on range per year: 3,000,000
Number of range balls in inventory: 20,000
New balls are acquired: semi annual
Best range promotion:
Burke Lake ran a range special on our 20 and 40 bucket range passes during the week of Cyber Monday and Black Friday in2019. The sale yielded $18,039 in sales of range passes, an increase of 90% in sales when compared to the same time in theprevious year.
Special programs:
• Burke Lake Golf held a Callaway Demo Day with Park and Play guidelines in place that yielded $9000 in sales.
• Burke Lake partners with the national organization, Women on Course to host a monthly Sip & Swing event that is perfect forbeginner and avid golfers. The event consists of an hour lesson followed by time to work on the tips learned as well to socializewith food and beverage (included).
• We have also partnered with other Fairfax County Parks and Recreation facilities such as nearby RECenters, Parks and FarmersMarkets to promote our range.
• In addition, we offer free range passes to elementary kids who complete the Fairfax County Public Schools summer readingprogram.
• In coordination with the beginning of the school year we offered a Monday Funday offer, adults buy a bucket of balls and kids andteens under 17 get one free. Monday’s are an open learning day for Fairfax County schools virtual learning semester. We wantedto offer a way for parents, educators, caregivers and kids and teens a way to get outdoors and stay active; to take a break from thescreens and hit the greens in a safe environment.
• Our paid social media ads mentioned below helped us to also fill the void of the nearby Top Golf closure and attract golferslooking for an alternative.