Brad Patterson, PGA
Foxfire Golf Club at Village Green
1 Village Blvd.
Baldwinsville, NY 13027
(315) 652-9822
Brad is a 29-year teaching professional who works with students at nine facilities in a 4,000 square-mile area of Central N.Y. where there is no PGA teaching representation. He is the personal instructor to the 2013 Central New York PGA Section Junior Tour Player of the Year and he also conducts over 20 Get Golf Ready classes and 20 junior camps each year. His “Best Drill to Eliminate a Slice” in three balls or less YouTube video is ending golfer’s frustrations worldwide and has a 100 percent proven success rate over 3,000 students and beginning golfers.
Facility type: Public
Past awards/recognitions:
- GRAA Top 50 Growth of the Game Teaching Professional
- PGA Section Teacher of the Year
- Golf Digest Best in State
- President’s Plaque for Growing the Game
Technology used in instruction:
- Samsung Galaxy tablet
- Smartphone
- V1 Pro
- Motion View for OptiShot
- Aiptek 120X HD camera
- Various training aids
Approximate number of free “tune-ups” and lessons given per year: 1,200
Growth of the game initiatives:
- Golf’s Biggest Loser: 8 week lesson/clinic boot camp with prizes
- PGA and GRAA Best Practices
- Get Golf Ready
- CNY Central Get Golf Ready Morning Show
- Free lesson nights