Brad Patterson, PGA
Hickory Hill Golf Center
9 Park Street
Pulaski, NY 13142
(315) 652-9822
Brad is a 28 year PGA member, head professional and director of instruction at Hickory Hill G.C. and Battle Island G.C. He was named the 2011 Central New York Section PGA Teacher of the Year and winner of his Section’s PGA Player Development Award. Brad is also the personal Instructor to Fayetteville-Manlius Girl’s Golf Team A & B and boy and girl golfers on 14 school teams. Brad conducts 14 Get Golf Ready programs and oversees 20 summer junior camps each season. He will give a free lesson to anyone willing to pick up a golf club for the first time.
Facility type: Public
Past awards/recognitions: PGA Section Teacher of the Year
Technology used in instruction:
- iPad
- V1 Pro
- Swing Reader
- Droid
- HD video camera
- “Mr. Flippy” Wedge
Approximate number of free “tune-ups” and lessons given per year: 1,200
Growth of the game initiatives:
- Golf’s Biggest Loser: 8 week lesson/clinic boot camp with prizes
- PGA Teacher of the Year Best Practice presenter with Michael Breed at PGA Merchandise Show
- PGA Magazine PGA Best Practices
- Get Golf Ready
- Club Leasing Program
- “Walk The Line” – 10 hours/week of free golf tips
- Junior Golf Camps/Clinics
- SNAG golf camps
- National Chairman of PE Golf in Schools: SNAG in PE at 6 cents/yr/child
- Placed SNAG golf at SUNY-Cortland so all graduating PE majors will be able to teach golf’s basic skills
- Oswego Harborfest – SNAG booth