Brad Patterson, PGA
Foxfire Golf Club @ Village Green & Battle Island SPGC
9 Park Street
Pulaski, New York 13142
(315) 405-5756
Brad is a 30-year PGA teaching professional who has developed a large teaching base and introduced many growth of the game programs. Twenty-fifteen was yet another banner year for golf growth. Targeting moms and youth to take our game forward and recapture 5.3 million women who left golf in the past 10 years, Brad launched Mommy Golf on social media and numerous growth segments on Desert Southwest Golf Show with Mark Croft, PGA. East meets West to ignite the game going forward! Focus on Mom and you get the whole family for decades.
Facility type: Public
Past awards/recognitions:
- GRAA Top 50 Growth of the Game Teaching Professional
- PGA Section Teacher of the Year
- President’s Plaque for Growing the Game
Technology used in instruction:
- Samsung Galaxy tablet
- V1 Pro
- Lenovo Tablet
- LaserPutt
- Medicus
Approximate number of free “tune-ups” and lessons given per year: 650
Growth of the game initiatives:
- I have created a great relationship with Mark Croft, PGA, the host of The Desert Southwest Golf Show. I have appeared on his weekly radio program 12 times now over the past year with “the hook” Golf East Meets West. Topics have included Growth of the Game, Golf Tips, the State of the Game, Old School vs. New School Instruction, and even had several of my students on with me citing the huge value of PGA Instruction. I’ve shared the hour with Manuel de la Torre, Kathy Jensen, PGA National Teacher of the Year. Ratings have been soaring. In addition, I’ve also appeared on GolfTalkRadio, ESPN, Paso Robles, CA and The Golf Show out of Sacramento.
- Set up a PGA Golf Professionals and Instructors page on FB to help bring students and teachers together to get better and grow the game.
- Specialized Get Golf Ready approach at Battle Island for Tuesday Ladies Group. 43 of 65 ladies took 5 week course. 22 repeated a second time.
- Expanded Weekly Junior Camp Program at dual facilities; Currently instructing 23 boys/girls on local high school teams.
- Free Tip Program for all Juniors considering trying out for area high school golf teams;
- Get Golf Ready Programs continue with growth at both facilities;
- Formed cooperatives at two public courses, one in Rochester, one in Albany, both 90 miles away to teach a weekly Get Golf Ready class, individual lessons to pick up Albany, New York City, and Rochester traffic from contacts, friends on Facebook