Boot Ranch
Emil Hale, Director of Golf
1447 Boot Ranch Circle
Fredericksburg, TX 78624
Facility Amenities:
- Grass Tees (23)
- Short Game Practice Area
- Grass Putting Green
Additional Amenities:
- Pro Shop (1,200 sq. ft.)
Type of Range Targets:
- Flags
- Bunkers
- Built-up Greens
- Fairway Cuts
Instruction provided.
Number of PGA Professional Instructors: 3
Clubfitting services provided.
Total number of visits to range per year: 11,000
Number of range balls dispensed on range per year: 330,000
Number of range balls in inventory: 9,000
New balls are acquired: 2 times per year
Best range promotion: The size and scope of the practice facilities provide for many unique entertaining opportunities. In addition to the typical demo days and golf related activities, Boot Ranch practices areas provide for landing helicopters; hot air balloons;
weddings; banquet parties, Easter egg hunts; trap & skeet shoots and last but not least Firework shows.
Special programs: Boot Ranch Professional staff has raises charitable donations for the local Boys & Girls Club of Fredericksburg through a “100 Holes of Golf in a day Marathon”. Boot Ranch also engages in a quarterly Adopt-A-Highway project that utilizes the staff efforts to maintain the 5 miles of highway leading to the Boot Ranch gates to town.