Ann Marie Gildersleeve
Austin Country Club - Harvey Penick Performance Center
4408 Longchamp Drive
4408 Longchamp Drive, Austin, Texas 78746, US
Please indicate past awards won/recognitions:
PGA Section Teacher of the Year, Golf Digest Best in State
Other awards won:
Harvey Penick Teacher of the Year – STPGA Section – 2022 / Harvey Penick Teacher of the Year – STPGA, Western Chapter – 2021 / Harvey Penick Teacher of the Year – STPGA, Western Chapter – 2020 / Harvey Penick Teacher of the Year – STPGA, Western Chapter – 2015 / Harvey Penick Teacher of the Year – STPGA Section – 2014 / Harvey Penick Teacher of the Year – STPGA, Western Chapter – 2014 / Harvey Penick Teacher of the Year – STPGA, Western Chapter – 2013 / Harvey Penick Teacher of the Year – STPGA, Western Chapter – 2012 / Special Service Award – STPGA Section – 2011 / US Kids Top 50 Teachers – 2005 / US Kids Top 50 Teachers – 2006 / US Kids Top 50 Teachers – 2007 / US Kids Top 50 MASTER Teachers – 2008 / Golf Digest Best Teacher in State – 2020-2021 / Golf Digest Best Teacher in State – 2022-2023 / Golf Digest Best Teacher in State – 2024-2025
Total number of individual lessons given per year:
Male: Average between 2000-2500 lessons per year. Male percentage 30%
Female: Average between 2000-2500 lessons per year. Female percentage 20%
Junior: Average between 2000-2500 lessons per year. Junior percentage 50%
Total number of individual clinics given per year:
Juniors: Once per week year round, teaching and coaching 2 hours clinic
Please indicate any Growth of the Game initiatives your facility/academy has launched over the past year (please give specifics on such programs):
– We have a Junior Certification Program since 1999. Under Austin Country Club rules, a junior golfer must be accompanied by an adult at all times in the practice areas and on the golf course. The Junior Certification Program enables responsible juniors to earn independent access to the golf facilities – first the practice area and driving range, then the golf course itself. The juniors participate in lessons, clinics, and customized programs to achieve this certification. It gives the juniors the opportunity to earn independence and responsibility so they can continue to grow as a player. This program has been very successful in growing our membership as the whole family can participate at the club, even when parents cannot be there. We’ve found that juniors enjoy the experience of golfing without an adult looking over their shoulder. In fact, the Junior Certification bag tag has become a highly desirable “badge of honor.”
– P.E. WAIVER PROGRAM The P.E. Waiver Program (Off-Campus Physical Education Program) of the Austin Independent School District accommodates students who are making a serious effort to develop higher skills in a specific sport. During the last hour of the school day, students get an early release from school and participate in our golf program. The P.E. Waiver Program continues to grow every year.
The immediate success of the Junior Certification Program led us to create our Junior Club Championship in 2000. We currently have 80+ competitors, ages 5 to 18, who participate in this event and it is considered to be one the largest for a private club. It has helped grow our men’s and women’s golf associations, too, as parents take up the game to spend time and enjoy a sport with their families.
Because of the years the Junior Certification Program has been in place, we now have former junior players who are competing in college and professionally. Some are considering a future as a PGA Professional and taking on a role in growing the game, because of what they learned as a junior golfer.
– WGC Dell Match Play 2015-2022: To date, Austin Country Club has hosted the WGC Dell Match Play since 2015 and will continue until 2023. Having this event in our community has allowed juniors to enjoy seeing the players, as well as, allowing them the opportunity to volunteer. Watching these young players get autographs, and the smiles on their faces, receiving golf balls from a player, will leave a permanent smile on my face. Also, young juniors being scorers and walking next to the players during tournament play, priceless. – Austin Country Club Programs to “Grow the Game”: As Director of Instruction at Austin Country Club, I have the responsibility of instructional programming, along with oversight of our 7 PGA Golf Professionals. For our program schedule, we encourage participation from all golfers regardless of age and ability. Our customized programs are a reflection of our commitment to serve the needs of our golfing membership and help grow the game. We strive to accommodate any special needs of our golfers.
Please share any programming you have made to keep your customers & students engaged:
See answers to question 11.