Alison Curdt, PGA
Alison Curdt Golf @ Wood Ranch Golf Club
301 Wood Ranch Parkway
Simi Valley, California 93065
(562) 981-4662
Alison Curdt is a PGA Master Professional and a LPGA Class A member. She has won the LPGA National Teacher of the Year, Southern California PGA Teacher of the Year, Northern Chapter Teacher of the Year and is a two-time LPGAWestern Section Teacher of the Year. Golf Digest has selected her as one of America’s Best Young Teachers.
Facility type: Stand Alone Range
Past awards/recognitions:
- PGA Section Teacher of the Year
- LPGA National Teacher of Year
- LPGA Section Teacher of the Year
Technology used in instruction:
I use a few pieces of technology in my everyday business of teaching. I use V1 software on my iPad and iPhone to record swings for video analysis. On site and during the lesson, I will often take multiple videos of the student to show them causes and effects, and before and after changes. After the lesson, within 24 hours, I send each of my students a video recap. I used the platform of AthleteNation to upload videos from the lesson, record a voiceover of keys from the lesson, and create a portal for students to login and access their videos. This service is tied into the lesson fee and allows the student an opportunity to keep learning in order to retain information better. Once the site closed down in August of 2016, I have tried out various other forms of technology such as Hudl and Edufii and will continue to utilize this form of technology for my students. I am a part of Golf Channel’s Swing Fix and will often do online video analysis with students I have never met in person. This allows me to share my knowledge and help people from all over the world improve their game and make golf easier and more enjoyable for them. I have been trained in Flightscope technology and have brought that into my teaching business this year after I purchased my own unit. The data that can be obtained from the launch monitor is instrumental in club fitting, allows students to see the changes in their metrics, and provides innovating practices through the use of the combines. I also integrated FocusBand into my business. Because I am also a psychotherapist and specialize in the mental game (currently working on my doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology) I find it helpful to teach athletes how to use different areas of their brain. Focus Band allows me to measure how many “chatter” is going on during a shot and then I can help train the athlete to quiet that chatter for improved performance. I use a wide assortment of non-technology teaching aids. I like the fact that students don’t have to spend a lot of money on teaching aids or can make them from scratch from home. Hula hoops, baby powder, Dr. Scholl’s spray foot powder, potato chips, and string tied between two nails are just a few of the low fee training aids I incorporate in a variety of different ways. In fact my drill of using a potato chip as a training aid was featured on The Golf Channel this year. I love using EyeLine products and will often refer students to purchase their products. Some of those products I use include the balance rod, Putting Alignment Mirror, Pendulum putting rod, Golf metronome, Edge Putting Rail and Speed Trap. The orange whip is a new training aid I integrated into my tool box this year to help students with athletic sequences. For mental game training I use MZCoach which is an online subscription service students can purchase to work through different mental skills training.
Approximate number of free “tune-ups” and lessons given per year: 50+
Growth of the game initiatives:
Over the past year I have initiated and continued several Growth of the Game initiatives at my facility. Prior to my coming on staff at Wood Ranch there was not a lot of instruction or program development. Being at the facility for almost two years as the Director of Instruction I’ve had free reign to create programming and provide learning opportunities for students to help them enjoy the game longer and to keep them in the game. I’ve also created opportunities for students and juniors to get excited about golf so they don’t leave the game early or find it too difficult to continue in. I’ve created a modified version of Get Golf Ready. My Get Golf Ready sessions are geared toward female beginner golfers and touches on all aspects of the game. The program has been such a success that graduates are asking for another level geared toward intermediate players looking to grow and enhance their basic knowledge. This program was brought to KPMG female leaders with much success this past year, in conjunction with the KPMG PGA Women’s Champion. I’ve connected to the Executive Women’s Golf Association and have provided complimentary golf tips on a monthly basis to their organization and also provided clinics for their organization. By building a relationship with the organization I’ve had access to new golfers who want to get better to compete against their peers and who are invested to improving. In the junior sector I’ve created junior golf camps at my facility. The club has not been exposed to this type of camp or instruction and they were well received this summer. On course teachings, games, competitions, drills, and social skill building were elements of the camp. Kids that played other sports and wanted to try out golf enrolled in the camp and left with a feeling of excitement and eagerness to become “golfers.” Another program that I created on an individual student basis includes a holistic approach to the golfer. The program entails a “total golf makeover” where equipment, swing technique, golf psychology, and fitness are all assessed. This is a game enhancement program where the individual will be fit into the best equipment for their swing, receive tailored instruction on areas of the game that need improvement, include sport psychology basics and emotional regulation techniques to enhance peak performance, and include a complete golf fitness assessment to identify potential physical limitations that could hinder improvement. This program has been a success for that specific golfer who is looking to get better for the long-term and receive a total golf makeover. This program keeps golfers in the game longer because it covers more than just swing mechanics. I find that golfers will often invest in equipment, but leave out quality instruction, mental game coaching, and fitness. This program teaches them all of these components. I was a part of the LPGA Girls Golf Leadership Academy. As a mentor in the program, I was part of teaching leadership skills, building self-esteem, and improving golf skills for high school girls. This was a very rewarding experience for me as these girls left the academy feeling positive about their role in the game. Lastly I have participated in Free Lesson Month for several years. I truly believe this helps break down the paradigm of lessons being expensive and exposes golfers to my style of teaching to make them feel comfortable in the learning environment.