The Golf Range Association of America will have a strong presence through the week of the 2017 PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando, Florida. The excitement begins at PGA Show Demo Day before spilling onto the Show Floor with the second annual GRAA Networking Breakfast on Wednesday. Check out the detailed information on each event and save the dates as we approach the 64th PGA Merchandise Show.
GRAA at Demo Day
Starting on Tuesday, January 24, the GRAA will return to the PGA Show Demo Day with an expansive pavilion located on Lower Tee 2 at the Orange County National Golf Center. In addition to the networking opportunities, the pavilion will showcase exhibitors such as Orange Whip, ToughLie 360, Wittek Golf and more.
GRAA Networking Breakfast
Date: Wednesday, January 25th from 7 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
Location: Meeting room W109A, adjacent to Show Floor
Overview: Networking event bringing together PGA Professionals, award winners, contributors, and supporters of the GRAA to mingle while fueling up for their day.
Partners include: Coastal Netting, CoverShots, Fiberbuilt, Mizzen+Main, Tough Lie 360, Tex-Net and Wittek Golf.
GRAA on the Show Floor
Throughout the week, 2016 GRAA Award winners are invited to pick up their awards at booth #2601 (shared booth space with PGA Magazine and Great Golf Resorts of the World). The 2016 awards program is presented by Coastal Netting, Tex-Net and Wittek Golf, with awards provided by Sterling Cut Glass.