
May 13, 2024

Rob Mauer: Offer a Lunch Deal for Range Balls

Rob Mauer, the 2018 New Jersey PGA Section Coach of the Year, is the Owner, Operator and Head PGA Professional at Paradise Golf Driving Range in Flemington, NJ.

Rob Mauer on the importance of offering a lunch deal for range balls:

As people’s schedules are constantly adjusting and our culture changes, taking advantage of untapped opportunities is a must. 15 years ago, when I noticed our business was sagging midday, I put up a sign on the street near my standalone range offering $2 off a medium bucket of balls during lunch, which ran from 11:30am-1:30pm. A medium bucket contains 60 balls and usually costs $10. This was all about getting people in the door, especially at a place that gives you a free seventh bucket after your sixth one gets stamped on a card. We wanted to increase the frequency of visits, which is exactly what has happened.

Rob Mauer on the business impact of offering a lunch deal for range balls:

Aided by this program, range revenue has gone up 15-20 percent over the last 15 years, with more customers coming in the door. And while we have our usual customers or the random person who wants to hit balls over lunch as a firm base, another part of why this has been so successful is because of my students. I tape the entire lesson, start to finish, and give it to them on a flash drive, along with additional notes. That’s obviously useful anywhere but what we see a lot are students coming back, flash drive in hand, to work on their games over lunch, the discount as an added bonus. It’s become an added pool that has made the lunchtime program thrive. Look for times in your day where you see business sag and see if you can use a creative deal to get business to pick up.

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