
November 6, 2023

Paul Killgallon: Acknowledge Your Students During the Holidays

Paul Killgallon, the 2019 Alabama-NW Florida PGA Section Player Development Award winner, is the PGA Director of Player Development at Highland Park Golf Course in Birmingham, Alabama.

Paul Killgallon on the importance of acknowledging your students during the holidays:

I have a full roster of adult students and an expansive list of junior golfers who fill the rolls of my junior golf clinics, camps and PGA Jr. League program. I enjoy engaging with them throughout the year, as improving their skills and growing the game is why I got into the golf business. When the holiday season rolls around each year, I acknowledge the support of many of my most frequent students by sending Christmas cards and giving holidays treats and gifts. Whether its candy from the store, cookies baked by my wife or a small gift to say, “thank you”, students appreciate their patronage being recognized and often reciprocate in acknowledgement of my efforts as well. Some of the young girls in my junior program like pink golf balls – other students appreciate a towel for their golf bag. With such dedicated students keeping me busy throughout the year, I like to give back when I can, so they know I appreciate them. Over the years, I have enjoyed hosting parties and gathering with my students to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas, and even give cookies to commemorate St. Patrick’s Day each March.

Paul Killgallon on the business impact of acknowledging your students during the holidays:

Giving cards and gifts strengthens our relationships and grows my teaching business even more for the future. The gifts are not substantial, but the time and money spent are worth it in the end, and pay dividends throughout the year. When you develop such long-lasting relationships and connections, it’s hard for students to go elsewhere. They are committed to you as their golf pro, and it shows in how much time I spend on the lesson tee and the number of students, whether adults or kids, that I teach each year. Understanding that your students are more than an entry in your lesson book goes a long way in forging such meaningful relationships, often becoming friendships. It’s good for the club, for the game and for my status as a mentor and golf coach.

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