
November 3, 2016

Kristi Scott: Have a Bridge Program to Bring Together New and Seasoned Players

kristi-scottKristi Scott is an LPGA teaching professional at Paramount Country Club in New City, New York.

Kristi Scott on the importance of having a bridge program to bring together new and seasoned players:
“Meet, Greet, and Play” is a “bridge” program that allows women new to golf feel more comfortable about meeting and joining the current players in our 9-hole league, the concluding step in Paramount’s three-stage process created in 2015 for bringing new women players into the game. Most of the women are graduates of our three intro classes, but a few feel ready to play without completing those classes. The biggest draw to this program is the relaxed atmosphere where keeping score is optional, the format is easy (a group scramble) and the emphasis is on being social. Held on a Friday evening in the middle of the season, this event features wine and appetizers 30 minutes prior to play. The current and future players can relax, get to know each other and just enjoy playing nine holes, or less if they desire. The course is wide open, and it’s great seeing the seasoned women so receptive to the new players as they laugh their way down the fairways, taking their time.

Kristi Scott on the business impact of having a bridge program to bring together new and seasoned players:
We added this bridge program this year, with 18 participants thus far. “Meet, Greet, and Play” costs $25, which covers the food & beverage aspect; the round is free. We’ve seen some 9-hole ladies playing an additional day because they like the event so much, and have found new playing partners, which is an added benefit for all parties. The real results, however, can be seen at the next level: 15 ladies have gone through both the beginner stage and the bridge program, while three students took an extra class, seeing they needed extra work. That’s part of the purpose of “Meet, Greet, and Play” as well: functioning as an indicator so the women can assess where their games are and see if they want additional instruction before they move to the next level. Two other women who take private lessons came to “Meet, Greet, and Play,” liked the experience, and have joined the 9-hole league. The league has 24 total players at the moment, with 4-6 ready to join after this cycle of classes is over. The biggest impact for this program continues to be that it serves as a welcome mat to the new women as they join experienced players who already have their own vibe and chemistry. With this bridge program, the on-ramp into the 9-hole league has become that much simpler, and I recommend it to everyone.

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