July 20, 2023

Catching Up with Nicole Weller, LPGA/PGA

By Vinnie Manginelli, PGA

Nicole Weller is one of the most accomplished PGA and LPGA Professionals in the country, with awards, published works, expert programming and highly-successful growth of the game initiatives that she’s implemented at golf facilities in Savannah, Pinehurst and now Compass Pointe Golf Club in Leland, North Carolina.

Weller has been an LPGA/PGA Teaching Professional at Compass Pointe Golf Club for just over one year. Her clientele is predominantly 55+, some of whom are retired and others still working. “There are a lot of people who want to learn to play golf, and with more than 550 members at Compass Pointe, we’re educating them on everything from the basics of grip and setup to on-course shots and mental game,” Weller explains.

Weller says she and her fellow instructors are busy at Compass Pointe, teaching all calibers of players, but certainly providing stellar opportunities for their core demographic to learn the game and enjoy the socialization that comes with it.

Weller teaches 5-6 lessons per day during her teaching hours and plans half- and full-day golf schools, as well as 2-3-day custom schools that address small groups. “I’ve had some small groups of ladies come here from Pinehurst and I’ll plan a custom 2-3-day golf school geared towards their level of play,” Weller says. She appreciates the personal attention that she can offer golfers in these small groups.

Weller says the practice facilities at Compass Pointe are ideal for her to work with her students. There is a very good driving range that allows her to spread her small group classes over several hitting stations, short game areas with bunkers and a huge putting green that is large enough to have nine holes with undulated terrain and challenging reads. She also sees great value in bringing students on the golf course as often as possible for course management and mental game instruction. There’s also a 19th hole that is used for special member events, tie-breakers and teaching.

Weller also collaborates with other professionals in her community. For instance, she and Dr. Paul Hrvol, a local chiropractor hosted a seminar at Compass Pointe in June that covered golf performance and injury prevention. They discussed proper stretching and other vital points to keep golfers healthy and playing pain-free.

“I think it’s great to collaborate with other professionals who can help your golf students and members grow in the game. After all, we can’t be experts on all aspects of fitness, nutrition, health and wellness and even club fitting. Having a circle of professionals who can share their knowledge at the highest level is vital to delivering the best service and experiences to your clients,” Weller boasts.

Weller has introduced many new programs at Compass Pointe in 2023. Learn About Golf in One Day is a highly-successful program that she’s implemented in two levels. Level I starts with a putter, wedge and 7- or 8-iron, whereas Level II expands upon that instruction once the students are comfortable with the baseline information provided in the introductory sessions.

Some of her three-hour golf schools are planned in advance, but many others come about after speaking with students who need a more customized schedule.

She thanks clients who’ve attended her clinics with a free 45-minute clinic and will often share time at lunch with them to promote the facility’s F&B services. She’s also playing rounds of golf with members to promote camaraderie and socialization. These sessions may introduce new forms of play but aren’t instruction-heavy. It’s truly her members’ chance to enjoy “Nine with Nicole!”

Weller will be writing a special feature for our sister publication Golf Fitness Monthly, which we’ll rerun here in Golf Range Magazine, as well. We look forward to reading that piece and continuously being educated by one of the brightest minds in golf instruction and coaching.

For everything Nicole Weller, check out her website today!