Abby Parsons is the PGA Lead Assistant Professional at The Country Club at DC Ranch in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Abby Parsons on the importance of creating a detailed practice plan for committed students:
As coaches we know the difference between really committed golfers and consistent golfers. And it’s not a negative against the consistent golfers. Some people have a lot going on and can’t put in the multiple days of practice a week necessary to really lower your handicap or hit certain goals. But for the really committed golfers, I fully believe in a detailed practice plan and giving them “homework” that entices them to show up at the course on multiple days to make improvements in between sessions. This is crucial – these are games or drills to work on between lessons.
Abby Parsons on the business impact of creating a detailed practice plan for committed students:
The plans – which include things like “On Monday practice ____, on Tuesday play ___ game, on Wednesday play nine holes, etc.” – aren’t mandatory…it’s on the honor system. But I’ll frequently get texts from players or I’ll see players at the course putting in the work themselves. And the great thing is that both style of golfers understands. The consistent ones will say “I played a couple times and didn’t see the boost,” or “I did the drills and games and my game has seen a jump over the last week or two weeks.” The big thing is that both are enjoying the game of golf. But for the ones who really, really want it – especially younger golfers – the structure a practice plan creates and the accountability that’s built in has helped them achieve way more than they ever thought they could.
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